Mar 02, 2025  
2023-2024 General Catalog 
2023-2024 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ADN 805 - Management in Health Care

Last Date of Approval: Spring 2021

1 Credits
Total Lecture Hours: 15
Total Lab Hours: 0
Total Clinical Hours: 0
Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0

Course Description:
This theory course is a requirement with ADN 806 Clinical Practicum 6  for the associate degree nursing program. This course focuses on leadership and managerial skills related to caring for a group of patients. Content areas include health care delivery systems, public health, group dynamics, change, health issues, and legal and ethical dilemmas as they affect the transition from the student role to entry level associate nursing practice. This course will also prepare the student for national examination for nursing licensure.

Corequisites: ADN-806 Clinical Practicum 6
Prerequisites: Maternal Child Health Care; ADN-407 Clinical Practicum 3; ADN-465
Psychiatric Mental Health Care; ADN-466 Clinical Practicum 4; ADN-511 Adult Health
Care; ADN-512 Clinical Practicum 5
Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to-face

Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.

Course Fees: None

Common Course Assessment(s): Course Work
Non-proctored ATI Exams: To receive points, a score of 80% or greater
needs to be obtained on all ATI’s.
ATI Capstone Total Points 210 points
RN Pharmacology Non-proctored 5 points
RN Comprehensive Non-proctored 5 points
Resume 10 Points
Letter of Application 10 Points
Letter of Resignation 10 Points
Guest Speaker Reflection 10 points
Day 1 ATI Review Course 10 points
Day 2 ATI Review Course 10 points
Day 3 ATI Review Course 10 points
(You must stay for the entire day, each day of the review course in order
to obtain full credit)
Quiz & Exam Points
Legal/Ethical Quiz 20 points
RN Pharmacology ATI 50 points
RN Comprehensive ATI 50 points
*Please see the Nursing Handbook for ATI grading. The ATI RN
Comprehensive will be graded as such:
73.3% or greater: level 3
68%-73.3%: level 2
61.3%-68%: level 1
Less than 61.3%: Below level 1
Final Exam Policy: No final exam
Grading Scale:
93% - 100% = A
85% - 92% = B
78% - 84% = C
70% - 77.99% = D
Below 70% = F
A 78% must be achieved to pass the course.
* Please note that assessments are subject to change.

Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Utilize critical thinking skills in applying the nursing process to a simulated
multiple patient assignment.
2. Determine which basic nursing skills may be delegated to other members
of the health team.
3. Assess the impact of basic human needs on prioritizing care for individual
patients within a group.
4. Apply the values, attributes, behaviors, ethics, and legal obligations to
specific simulated patient situations. 
5. Utilize organization and delegation skills to plan for a multiple patient
6. Expand knowledge of communication to select appropriate responses and
strategies in working with all members of the health team.
7. Make decisions in a simulated multiple patient assignment based on an indepth concept of health-illness. 

Course Objectives:
A. 1. Differentiate between the criteria for a profession and professionalism.
2. Discuss critically the image of nursing portrayed in the media and in the work environment.
3. Compare and contrast the purpose of various professional organizations.
B. 1. Explain the process for licensure by examination, renewal of licensure, and licensure by endorsement.
2. Explain the process for obtaining continuing education credits.
3. Propose means of continued self-improvement through formal education.
4. Analyze behaviors and skills relevant to various employment settings.
5. Create a plan for dealing with the transition from student role to professional.
6. Prepare information to be incorporated in a letter of application for a job and recommend appropriate behavior during a job interview.
7. Appraise societal & educational factors that have caused changes in the
expectations of the new graduate.
8. Weigh criteria for selection of continuing education programs.
9. Determine the appropriate steps to take when resigning from a job.
A. 1. Define Management.
2. Apply Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to the work environment.
3. Differentiate between the various leadership styles.
4. Describe characteristics of effective leadership.
B. 1. Delegate responsibilities to appropriate health care team members.
2. Select responsibilities appropriate to the RN, L PN and the unlicensed assistive person.
3. Define competencies, limitations and responsibilities of the nurse manager, LPN and UAP in relation to the staff RN.
C. 1. Identify significant data which needs to be reported to co-workers and to the next shift.
2. Determine situations which need to be communicated to your supervisor.
3. Select appropriate feedback to co-workers which improves team-building.
4. Determine nursing responsibilities in taking and transcribing written, oral and phone orders.
5. Determine when to notify the physician and appropriate data which needs to be gathered prior to contacting them.
6. Communicate in an assertive manner with the physician
7. Use appropriate lines of authority and communication within the practice
8. Consult with a resource person when the patient’s problems are not within the scope of practice.
9. Collaborate with other health care providers to meet patient and family needs.
10.Assess communication barriers in working with people and propose ways of overcoming these barriers.
11.Evaluate unsafe nursing practice and take appropriate action.
12.Evaluate areas of needed change in a nursing situation and propose methods of implementing change with least resistance.
13.Suggest an appropriate method for resolving conflict.
D. 1. Plan patient care for a group of patients in an efficient and orderly fashion.
2. Determine pertinent assessments for a group of patients.
3. Establish priorities of care in specific patient situations.
4. Decide appropriate interventions in specific nursing situations.
5. Identify time wasters.
E. 1. Identify factors involved in the skill mix for staffing.
2. Compare and contrast scheduling patterns.
3. Compare and contrast the basic approaches to organizational assignment of patient care.
4. Analyze advantages and disadvantages of each approach to patient care.
5. Supervise and evaluate health team member’s activities.
A. 1. Define community health
2. Define the role of nursing in community health.
3. Apply the nursing process to a population group in the community setting.
4. Identify community resources which can be utilized by patients and/or
5. Differentiate between community health needs and individual needs provided for in a community setting.
6. Discuss the role of the Public Health Department in managing the health
needs of the community.
7. Recognize the impact of the goals of Healthy People 2020.
8. Recognize the impact of alternative and complimentary therapies on patient care.
B. 1. Define disaster.
2. Recall the interventions of the ABC assessment.
3. Differentiate between the classifications used in triage.
4. Identify symbols or abbreviations used on ID tags in triage.
5. Specify areas that are considered safe in a hospital or nursing home during a tornado.
6. List medical treatment needed by all victims and emergency personnel
involved in a disaster.
7. Triage patients in a multiple trauma incident.
8. Determine at least three agencies that might be utilized in a disaster.
9. Identify agents which may be used for bioterrorism.
10.Assess patients with a biohazard exposure.
A. 1. Differentiate between diploma, certification & licensure as credentials.
2. Recognize the role of the state board of nursing in nursing practice.
3. Discuss critically the major provisions of the Nurse Practice Act in the State of Iowa and its effect on nursing practice.
4. Predict situations which may result in disciplinary action by the board of
5. Assess situations which may result in revocation of a license and determine recourse for the nurse.
6. Discuss the process of revocation of a nursing licensure.
7. Consider concerns related to the future direction of nursing including one’s
own role in this process.
B. 1. Appraise the role of institutional policies on legal decision making and the effect on nursing practice.
2. Analyze nursing situations which may result in criminal prosecution.
3. Compare and contrast negligence and malpractice.
4. Determine nursing situations which would be classified as intentional torts.
5. Assess situations which would be classified as unintentional torts.
6. Analyze the standard of the reasonably prudent nurse.
7. Determine the factors necessary to prove liability.
8. Differentiate between personal and employer liability.
9. Evaluate the need for liability insurance.
10.Analyze various nursing care situations identifying the principles of
malpractice which apply and predict potential legal consequence.
11.Assess the purpose of incident reports.
12.Determine the nurse’s responsibility in meeting the patient’s right to informed consent and refusal of treatment.
13.Compare and contrast the options for patients concerning advanced
directives and organ donation.
14.Appraise factors that contribute to a suit being institute against a health care institution.
15.Propose actions the nurse may take to prevent initiation of a suit.
16.Prepare to testify for a legal proceeding.
17.Differentiate between an expert witness and a witness to the facts.
C. 1. Appraise the various factors used as a basis for ethical decision making:
Beneficence, Non-Maleficence, Autonomy, Justice, Fidelity, and Veracity.

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