Mar 02, 2025
AGE 219 - Equine Science Last Date of Approval: Fall 2016
3 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 45 Total Lab Hours: 0 Total Clinical Hours: 0 Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0
Course Description: Introduces contemporary concepts, and basic practices and decisions necessary when managing horses through stages of their lives. Topics include, but are not limited to, housing, hoof care, breeding, nutrition, and health care. Learning these concepts will allow students to make educated day-to-day management and financial decisions which are critical to be successful with horses. This class would be beneficial to those in any/all students wanting to be involved with horses, particularly those in animal science and those entering the field of equine.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: None
Mode(s) of Instruction: Traditional/Face-to-Face
Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.
Course Fees: None
Common Course Assessment(s): None
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
- Use in context terminology employed by those at the management level in the equine industry.
- Describe the nutritional needs and feeding practices of horses throughout their life cycle.
- Explain the reproductive cycles of horses.
- Recognize common diseases in horses and recommend common paths of treatment and prevention.
- Outline the basic decisions facing owners/managers of horses in the context of the life cycle of the horse.
- Explain how to turn handle a horse safely.
- Identify the parts of the horse, colors and markings.
- Demonstrate and explain first aid for horses.
- Tell the age of a horse by its teeth.
- Discuss imprint training in the foal.
Course Objectives
- History and development of the horse.
- Name the major evolutionary horse-like animal
- Identify the position of the horse in the zoological scheme - List the four evolutionary trends exhibited by horse fossils
- Identify the Romans’ influences on the use of the horse.
- Status and future of the horse industry.
- Describe the rise and fall of the horse population in the United States.
- Compare the total worldwide distribution of horses, donkeys and mules.
- Project changes in the horse population in the United States.
- Name the four general areas of equine research.
- Breeds, types and classes of horses.
- Describe the use of foundation animals.
- Understand the concept of breed, types and classifications.
- List the five color breeds of horses.
- Name five common breeds of horses in each class.
- Functional anatomy of equine.
- Explain the functions and identify the components of the skeletal, muscular, digestive, urinary, respiratory, circulatory, nervous, reproductive, and endocrine systems.
- Name the bones in the foreleg and hind leg.
- Describe three types of joints.
- The biomechanics of movement.
- Name the three extensor and three flexor muscles on the hind and front leg.
- Describe two phases of the stride.
- Describe the walk, trot, gallop, rack and canter.
- Distinguish between a blemish and unsoundness.
- Describe unsoundness and common prevention and treatment.
- Selecting and judging horses.
- Describe 10 factors to consider when selecting a horse to purchase.
- Describe costs associated with owning a horse after the initial purchase.
- List five steps in judging a horse.
- Understand how changes in teeth show aging signs.
- Calculate height and weight of a horse.
- Reproduction and breeding.
- Discuss breeding periods.
- List the major parts of the male and female reproductive tract.
- Explain gestation and parturition in horses.
- Digestion and nutrition in horses.
- Describe the functions of the energy nutrients.
- Describe the symptoms of energy nutrient deficiencies.
- Describe the energy needs of horses for all stages of life and work.
- Describe the functions of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and amino acids in horses.
- Describe how to feed roughages and concentrates.
- Make feeding recommendations or management suggestions. Calculate the nutrient level of a mixed feed using a feed composition table.
- Health management and parasite control.
- Discuss different diseases and methods for control.
- Explain vaccination programs.
- Describe the life-cycle of a typical parasite.
- Describe the symptoms of several common diseases and parasites.
- Common management practices.
- Recognize stress in horses.
- List methods of pest control.
- Describe wound types and their proper management.
- Shoeing and hoof care.
- Describe the internal and external parts of the hoof.
- Discuss the benefits and drawbacks to corrective shoeing.
- Explain the importance of inspecting feet daily.
- Describe the trimming and shoeing process.
- Horse behavior and training.
- Discuss the role of reinforcement in training.
- Describe the horse’s senses of vision, touch, smell, and hearing.
- Discuss how the gregarious nature of horses can influence their training.
- Analyze the importance of pressure and release training methods.
- Equitation.
- Name three styles of saddles and describe their uses.
- Discuss the results of a poorly fitted saddle.
- Describe the process of saddling and bridling a horse.
- List the steps for proper mounting of a horse.
- Describe how to load and haul a horse.
- Indicate the different safe ways of tying a horse.
- Business aspects and the equine industry.
- List reasons for keeping records.
- Distinguish between basic kinds of records.
- List factors that a lender looks for in a borrower.
- Describe the importance of sound management practices.
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