Mar 11, 2025  
2023-2024 General Catalog 
2023-2024 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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BUS 113 - Workplace Readiness

Course Department: Business
Last Date of Approval: Spring 2021

1.5 Credits
Total Lecture Hours: 22.5
Total Lab Hours: 0
Total Clinical Hours: 0
Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0

Course Description:
This course introduces the concepts, tools, and strategies used to explore and obtain a job. Students primarily focus on job inquiries, application - letters and resumes, and interviewing skills working with the Iowa Central Career Center. Students will learn and demonstrate their ability to express themselves correctly, clearly, and effectively both in writing and orally for seeking and/or changing work positions. Students are introduced to workplace concepts in teamwork, conflict resolution, listening skills, and interpersonal relationships.

Prerequisites/Corequisites: None

Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to-face, and/or online

Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.

Course Fees: Course Materials: $15.00

Common Course Assessment(s): None.

Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
After completing this course, the student will be able to:

Instructional Area


Performance Indicator and Objectives:

A. Read to acquire meaning from written material and to apply the information to a task.

1. Extract relevant information from written materials

B. Apply active listening skills to demonstrate understanding of what is being said.

1. Follow oral directions

2. Demonstrate active listening skills

C. Apply verbal skills to obtain and convey information.

1. Ask relevant questions

2. Provide legitimate responses to inquiries

3. Participate in group discussions

D. Use social media to communicate with a business’s stakeholders.

1. Distinguish between using social media for business and personal purposes Instructional Area


Performance Indicator and Objectives:

A. Develop personal traits to foster career advancement.

  1. Identify desirable personality traits important to business
  2. Exhibit self-confidence
  3. Demonstrate interest and enthusiasm
  4. Demonstrate initiative

B. Apply ethics to demonstrate trustworthiness.

  1. Demonstrate honesty and integrity
  2. Demonstrate responsible behavior
  3. Demonstrate fairness
  4. Assess risks of personal decisions
  5. Demonstrate ethical work habits
  6. Take responsibility for decisions and actions
  7. Build trust in relationships
  8. Describe the nature of ethics
  9. Manage commitments in a timely manner
  10. Develop tolerance for ambiguity

C. Exhibit techniques to manage emotional reactions to people and situations.

  1. Exhibit a positive attitude
  2. Demonstrate self-control
  3. Explain the use of feedback for personal growth

D. Use communication skills to foster open, honest communications.

  1. Explain ethical considerations in providing information
  2. Foster open, honest communication
  3. Collaborate with others 
  4. Solicit feedback

E. Manage internal and external business relationships to foster positive interactions.

  1. Treat others with dignity and respect
  2. Foster positive working relationships
  3. Consider conflicting viewpoints
  4. Assess long-term value and impact of actions on others
  5. Maintain collaborative partnerships with colleagues

Instructional Area


Performance Indicator and Objectives:

A. Acquire self-development skills to enhance relationships and improve efficiency in the work environment.

  1. Maintain appropriate personal appearance
  2. Demonstrate systematic behavior
  3. Set personal goals
  4. Balance personal and professional responsibilities

B. Understand and follow company rules and regulations to maintain employment.

  1. Adhere to company protocols and policies
  2. Follow rules of conduct
  3. Follow chain of command

C. Utilize critical-thinking skills to determine best options/outcomes.

  1. Use time-management skills

D. Participate in career planning to enhance job-success potential.

  1. Assess personal interests and skills needed for success in business
  2. Analyze employer expectations in the business environment
  3. Explain the rights of workers
  4. Identify sources of career information
  5. Identify tentative occupational interest
  6. Explain employment opportunities in business F. Implement job-seeking skills to obtain employment.
  7. Utilize job-search strategies
  8. Complete a job application
  9. Interview for a job
  10. Write a follow-up letter after job interviews
  11. Write a letter of application
  12. Prepare a resume
  13. Use networking techniques to identify employment opportunities

E. Utilize career-advancement activities to enhance professional development.

  1. Describe techniques for obtaining work experience (e.g., volunteer activities, internships)
  2. Explain the need for ongoing education as a worker
  3. Explain possible advancement patterns for jobs
  4. Identify skills needed to enhance career progression

F. Utilize resources that can contribute to professional development (e.g., trade journals/periodicals, professional/trade associations, classes/seminars, trade shows, and mentors)

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