Oct 03, 2024  
2023-2024 General Catalog 
2023-2024 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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CIS 277 - Portfolio 1

Last Date of Approval: Fall 2021

3 Credits
Total Lecture Hours: 45
Course Description:
This is the first of two courses which provide students with the time and focus to tighten and polish projects done in previous classes or other creative pursuits to create a digital portfolio. Students will continue to develop their creative and problem-solving skills through additional projects. Projects include creative graphic design pieces, to reinforce coursework from their first year at Iowa Central, as well as work on cover-letter, resume and reference documents. Students will begin work on a web-based e-portfolio, and complete and present their e-portfolios in CIS 278, Portfolio 2. This course gives students additional opportunities in project and deadline management, important for their professional as well as their personal lives. Students may have the opportunity to take on projects from the community. Through this you will also gain additional experience in meeting with clients, and managing client expectations. Meeting deadlines is a primary focus in this course.

Prerequisites/Corequisites: Students must be enrolled in Web Technology, or Graphics Technology, or have instructor permission.

Mode(s) of Instruction: face-to-face

Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.

Course Fees: $50

Common Course Assessment(s): none

Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
Student Learning Outcomes

  1. Students will effectively budget time and demonstrate ability to meet deadlines.
  2. Students will arrange and refine projects for inclusion in an electronic portfolio.
  3. Students will identify industry requirements for employment.
  4. Students will identify current events, skills, attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the industry and relevant to the professional development of the student.
  5. Students will create an electronic portfolio.

Course Objectives

  1. Students will tighten, polish and perfect portfolio pieces.
  2. Students will create new design projects to reinforce their portfolios.
  3. Students will create an electronic portfolio, containing at least one additional online presence (LinkedIn, e.g.)
  4. Students will create their own identity packet, including business cards, letterhead, resume, cover letter and reference sheet.
  5. Students will work in a self-directed environment; planning and scheduling your own work flow and time.
  6. Students will refine critiquing skills for personal and peer work.

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