NET 349 - Introduction to PowerShell Course Department: Business Last Date of Approval: Fall 2022
3 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 30 Total Lab Hours: 30 Total Clinical Hours: 0 Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0
Course Description: Students will learn to develop and use PowerShell commands and scripting techniques to administer Windows operating systems. Concepts, terminology, components, and the design of commands and scripts will be addressed throughout this course. This course will help students refine their critical thinking skills as they evaluate various topics and concepts while searching for underlying connections between the technology and how to apply those concepts in a lab setting, which is a skill that should be beneficial in any/all types of technology careers. This course will also help students gain hands-on technology literacy which will be of vital significance when making important work-related decisions.
Prerequisites: NET 110 - Microcomputer Fundamentals Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to-face, virtual, and/or online
Credit for Prior Learning: This course offers an opportunity for students to earn Credit for Prior Learning for skills that they have brought with them to Iowa Central. For more information, please ask the instructor and see the Iowa Central Community College catalog.
Course Fees: Face-to-Face: None; Online: 8-week online students will have a per credit hour e-book fee automatically charged to their account.
Common Course Assessment(s): None
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives: Student Learning Outcomes:
a. Identify PowerShell command/scripting concepts and terminology and be able to apply them to further the Windows automation process.
b. Understand the design concepts of building a script with a framework that they can use as a starting point for every new scripting project.
c. Discuss the different cmdlets, objects, and variables involved in building and maintaining a variety of different commands and scripts.
d. Effectively troubleshoot execution errors and make the necessary corrections
Chapter 3 Chapter 7 Chapter 11
Chapter 4 Chapter 8 Chapter 12
Chapter 5 Chapter 9
Chapter 6 Chapter 10
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