Sep 18, 2024  
2023-2024 General Catalog 
2023-2024 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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CIS 136 - Swift Programming Fundamentals II

Course Department: Mathematics
Last Date of Approval: Spring 2021

4 Credits
Total Lecture Hours: 45
Total Lab Hours: 30
Total Clinical Hours: 0
Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0

Course Description:
Swift Programming Fundamentals II is a continuation of the concepts taught in CIS 129 - Swift Programming Fundamentals I   .  This course will continue helping the student build a solid foundation in programming fundamentals through the use of the Swift programming language.  Students will get practical experience with the tools, techniques, and concepts needed to build a basic iOS application from scratch.  Students will also learn the principles of user interface design which is essential to programming and making apps for the iOS App Store.

This course will help students to prepare for a career in computer programming and information services.  The course will require to persevere through challenging problems and manage time to meet deadlines which are both important to everyday life.

Prerequisites: CIS 129 - Swift Programming Fundamentals I   
Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to-face, and/or online

Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.

Course Fees: None

Common Course Assessment(s): None

Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
Outcome 1:  Students will use instances, methods, and properties in writing programs.

Task 1:  Students will be able to explain the difference between a type and an instance.
Task 2:  Students will be able to explain the difference between a method and a property.
Task 3:  Students will create applications that use instances, methods, and properties appropriately.

Outcome 2:  Students will use arrays to group objects in an ordered list.

Task 1:  Students will create arrays by adding objects.
Task 2:  Students will work with arrays by removing objects.
Task 3:  Students will create arrays of the appropriate size for the data source.

Outcome 3:  Students will use loops to complete repetitive tasks. 

Task 1:  Students will use for loops to add objects to an array.
Task 2:  Students will use for loops to find a running total.
Task 3:  Students will use for loops as appropriate to complete repetitive tasks.

Outcome 4:  Students will define structures and use their methods and properties in writing programs.

Task 1:  Students will create a custom type by defining the structure.
Task 2:  Students will create appropriate properties for a custom type.
Task 3:  Students will create appropriate methods for a custom type.

Outcome 5:  Students will create actions and outlets to allow the user to interact with the application through the user interface.

Task 1:  Students will select the appropriate action and outlet to allow the user to interact with the application.
Task 2:  Students will be able to create adaptive user interfaces to accommodate the user’s device size and orientation.

Outcome 6:  Students will use the switch statement as a control structure.

Task 1:  Students will create a switch statement to make a decision.
Task 2:  Students will be able to explain the difference between the switch statement and if statement.
Task 3:  Students will create enumerated data types.
Task 4:  Students will use enumerated data types in switch statements.


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