AGB 207 - Farm Operations & Management II Last Date of Approval: 2020
3 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 15 Total Lab Hours: 60 Total Clinical Hours: 0 Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0
Course Description: Student participation in the operation and management of an actual Iowa farm. The class is responsible for the plans for the school-managed farm, record keeping, decisions on buying the farm’s crops, and participating in the actual planting of the crops, and arrangements for equipment and fertilizers. Outside speakers on current topics affecting the farm and agriculture will be utilized. The course will provide student with many critical thinking opportunities that will be vital to them in making decisions for the farm. These skills and hands-on-leaning opportunities will be vital to them as they are able to implement these in any agricultural career.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: AGB-206
Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to-face
Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.
Course Fees: None
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives: Student Learning Outcomes
Students will participate in the actual management and operation of a typical Iowa farm. Students will have knowledge of the farm’s resources including the sustainability of those resources and environmental and governmental regulations that affect those resources. Students will have personally experienced the challenges and satisfaction of an actual farm operation. Students will participate in an effective committee structure and the decision-making process for the management and operation of the farm. Students will gain experience in group communication and working relationships. Students will be able to make decisions related to harvesting of crops, fall tillage, grain marketing, and fall nitrogen application.
Course Objectives
Outcome - Book Keeping/Accounting
- Use Account methods
- Reading and paying bills
- Recording income
- Rent proposal for the next year
Outcome - Crop Evaluation
- Estimate Yields
- Identify when crop is ready to harvest
Outcome - Marketing
- Recording grain harvested
- Deciding type of storage used
- Figuring storage costs
- The procedure of selling grain
Outcome - Harvest
- Recording actual yields
- Yield comparisons
- Crop evaluation
- Storage and Grain Safety
- Dry fertilizer
- NH3
- Liquid
- Spring vs. Fall
- Pricing
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