AGS 113 - Survey of the Animal Industry Last Date of Approval: Fall 2016
3 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 45 Total Lab Hours: 0 Total Clinical Hours: 0 Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0
Course Description: Introduces students to the various species and breeds of domestic animals and to create an understanding of the principles of food animal production, product marketing, and issues confronting the animal industry. This class gives a base for those students entering the animal science field of study or other related agricultural fields that may deal with animal agriculture in some manner. Learning these concepts will allow students to make educated production and financial decisions which are critical in being a successful operation. This class would be beneficial to those in any/all types of agricultural careers, particularly those in animal science careers.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: None
Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to-face, and/or online
Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.
Course Fees: None
Common Course Assessment(s): None
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives: • Identify basic biological and anatomical features of domesticated animals.
• Explain domestication and the importance of animal agriculture to the economy and society.
• Describe the basic structures of the industry surrounding the production, care and marketing of domestic animals.
• Outline current issues of society that are affecting the animal industry.
- Outcome 1- Animal Contributions to Human Needs
- Contributions to food needs
- Contributions to clothing and nonfood products
- Recreation
- Outcome 2 - An Overview of the Livestock and Poultry Industries.
- Beef Industry - Dairy Industry
- Horse Industry - Poultry Industry
- Sheep Industry
- Swine Industry
- Outcome 3 - Genetics
- Genetic Improvements
- Selection Methods
- Gene Interactions
- Outcome 4
- Mating Systems
- Inbreeding
- Out breeding
- New Lines or Breeds
- Outcome 5 - Reproduction
- Female organs
- Male organs
- Pregnancy - Parturition
- Outcome 6- AI
- Semen collection
- Insemination of the female
- Extent of AI
- Outcome 7 - Nutrients
- Nutrients
- Evaluation of Feeds
- Outcome 8 - Digestion
- Ruminant Stomach
- Monogastric stomach
- Digestion
- Outcome 9 - Lactation
- Mammary Glands
- Factors Affecting Milk Production
- Colostrum
- Outcome 10 - Animal Behavior
- Systems of Animal Behavior
- Outcome 11 - Companion Animals
- Outcome 12 - Beef Production
- Cattle breeds
- Cattle Breeding
- Cattle Feeding
- Cattle Management
- Outcome 13 - Dairy Production
- Cattle breeds
- Cattle breeding
- Cattle feeding
- Cattle management
- Outcome 14 - Sheep Production
- Sheep breeds
- Sheep breeding
- Sheep feeding
- Sheep management
- Outcome 15 - Swine Production
- Swine breeds
- Swine breeding
- Swine feeding
- Swine management
- Outcome 16 - Horse Production
- Horse breeds
- Horse breeding
- Horse feeding
- Horse management
- Outcome 17 - Poultry Production
- Poultry breeds
- Poultry breeding
- Poultry feeding
- Poultry management
- Outcome 18 - Animal Products
- Wool
- Meat grading
- Meat cuts
- Milk & egg grading
- Outcome 19 - Issues in Animal Agriculture
- Consumer issues
- Animal welfare
- Environmental issues
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