Feb 05, 2025
BUS 102 - Introduction to Business Course Department: Business Last Date of Approval: Fall 2019
3 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 45 Total Lab Hours: 0 Total Clinical Hours: 0 Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0
Course Description: This course is an introduction to the trends and opportunities in todays dynamic business environment surveying economics, global markets, social responsibility, ownership forms, entrepreneurship, management organization, marketing, accounting and financial management. Students who are interested in a career in business or want to further their knowledge of the business world would benefit from this course.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: None
Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to-face, virtual, and/or online
Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.
Course Fees: ebook: $90.00
Common Course Assessment(s): All assessments are common amongst all sections.
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
- Acquire foundational knowledge of business laws and regulations to understand their nature and scope.
- Describe methods used to protect intellectual property
- Describe legal issues affecting businesses
- Apply knowledge of business ownership to establish and continue business operations.
- Explain types of business ownership
- Read to acquire meaning from written material and to apply the information to a task.
- Identify sources that provide relevant, valid written material
- Extract relevant information from written materials
- Apply written directions to achieve tasks
- Analyze company resources to ascertain policies and procedures
- Apply active listening skills to demonstrate understanding of what is being said.
- Explain communication techniques that support and encourage a speaker
- Follow oral directions
- Demonstrate active listening skills
- Explain how digital communications (e.g., email, text messages, chats) exposes business to risk
- Use social media to communicate with a business’s stakeholders.
- Describe the impact of a person’s social media brand on the achievement of organizational objectives
- Distinguish between using social media for business and personal purposes
- Foster positive relationships with customers to enhance company image.
- Explain the nature of positive customer relations
- Demonstrate a customer-service mindset
- Explain management’s role in customer relations
- Understand the nature of customer relationship management to show its contributions to a company.
- Discuss the nature of customer relationship management
- Explain the role of ethics in customer relationship management
- Describe the use of technology in customer relationship management
- Understand fundamental economic concepts to obtain a foundation for employment in business.
- Distinguish between economic goods and services
- Understand the nature of business to show its contributions to society.
- Explain the role of business in society
- Describe types of business activities
- Describe types of business models
- Explain the organizational design of businesses
- Discuss the global environment in which businesses operate
- Describe factors that affect the business environment
- Explain the nature of business ethics
- Explain how organizations adapt to today’s markets
- Understand economic systems to be able to recognize the environments in which businesses function.
- Explain the types of economic systems
- Identify the impact of small business/entrepreneurship on market economies
- Explain the concept of private enterprise
- Identify factors affecting a business’s profit
- Determine factors affecting business risk
- Explain the concept of competition
- Acquire knowledge of the impact of government on business activities to make informed economic decisions.
- Determine the relationship between government and business
- Describe the nature of taxes
- Discuss the nature of monetary policy
- Discuss the supply and demand for money
- Explain the role of the Federal Reserve System
- Analyze cost/profit relationships to guide business decision-making.
- Explain the concept of productivity
- Analyze impact of specialization/division of labor on productivity
- Explain the concept of organized labor and business
- Understand economic indicators to recognize economic trends and conditions.
- Discuss the measure of consumer spending as an economic indicator
- Describe the economic impact of inflation on business
- Explain the concept of Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- Discuss the impact of a nation’s unemployment rates
- Explain the economic impact of interest-rate fluctuations
- Determine the impact of business cycles on business activities
Understand global trade’s impact to aid business decision-making.
- Explain the nature of global trade
- Discuss the impact of globalization on business
- Explain cultural considerations that impact global business relations
- Discuss the impact of cultural and social environments on global trade
- Explain the impact of major trade alliances on business activities
- Describe the impact of the political environment on world trade
- Use communication skills to foster open, honest communications.
- Explain the nature of effective communications
- Explain ethical considerations in providing information
- Foster open, honest communication
- Collaborate with others
- Solicit feedback
- Use social media to solicit new ideas and solutions
- Use communication skills to influence others.
- “Sell” ideas to others
- Persuade others
- Demonstrate negotiation skills
- Offer constructive criticism
Understand fundamental factors about entrepreneurship to recognize its role and importance in the economy
- Describe the nature of entrepreneurship
- Explain the role requirements of entrepreneurs and owners
- Acquire a foundational knowledge of accounting to understand its nature and scope.
- Describe the need for financial information
- Explain the concept of accounting
- Discuss the role of ethics in accounting
- Explain the use of technology in accounting
- Explain legal considerations for accounting
- Implement accounting procedures to track money flow and to determine financial status.
- Describe the nature of cash flow statements
- Explain the nature of balance sheets
- Describe the nature of income statements
- Acquire a foundational knowledge of finance to understand its nature and scope.
- Explain the role of finance in business
- Discuss the role of ethics in finance
- Implement financial skills to obtain business credit and to control its use.
- Explain the purposes and importance of obtaining business credit
- Identify risks associated with obtaining business credit
- Explain sources of financial assistance
- Explain loan evaluation criteria used by lending institutions
- Understand the role and function of human resources management to obtain a foundational knowledge of its nature and scope.
- Discuss the nature of human resources management
- Explain the role of ethics in human resources management
- Describe the use of technology in human resources management
- Manage staff growth and development to increase productivity and employee satisfaction.
- Explain the role of training and human resources development
- Explain the nature of management/supervisory training
- Explain the nature of leadership in organizations
- Acquire a foundational knowledge of information management to understand its nature and scope.
- Discuss the nature of information management
- Explain the role of ethics in information management
- Explain legal issues associated with information management
- Utilize information-technology tools to manage and perform work responsibilities.
- Identify ways that technology impacts business
- Explain the role of information systems
- Maintain business records to facilitate business operations.
- Describe the nature of business records
- Acquire information to guide business decision-making.
- Describe current business trends
- Create and access databases to acquire information for business decision-making.
- Explain the principles of data analysis
- Explain the nature of tools that can be used to access information in the database system
Apply data mining methods to acquire pertinent information for business decision-making.
- Discuss the nature of data mining
- Describe data mining tools and techniques
- Discuss the importance of ethics in data mining
- Understand marketing’s role and function in business to facilitate economic exchanges with customers.
- Explain marketing and its importance in a global economy
- Describe marketing functions and related activities
- Acquire foundational knowledge of customer/client/business behavior to understand what motivates decision-making.
- Explain factors that influence customer/client/business buying behavior
- Discuss actions employees can take to achieve the company’s desired results
- Understand operation’s role and function in business to value its contribution to a company.
- Explain the nature of operations
- Discuss the role of ethics in operations
- Describe the use of technology in operations
- Utilize project-management skills to improve workflow and minimize costs.
- Explain the nature of project management
- Implement purchasing activities to obtain business supplies, equipment, resources, and services.
- Explain the nature and scope of purchasing
- Understand production’s role and function in business to recognize its need in an organization.
- Explain the concept of production
- Implement quality-control processes to minimize errors and to expedite workflow.
- Describe crucial elements of a quality culture
- Describe the role of management in the achievement of quality
- Implement expense-control strategies to enhance a business’s financial wellbeing.
- Explain the nature of overhead/operating costs
- Explain employee’s role in expense control
- Understand supply chain management role to recognize its need in business.
- Explain the concept of supply chain
- Acquire self-development skills to enhance relationships and improve efficiency in the work environment.
- Maintain appropriate personal appearance
- Demonstrate systematic behavior
- Set personal goals
- Balance personal and professional responsibilities
- Utilize critical-thinking skills to determine best options/outcomes.
- Explain the need for innovation skills
- Make decisions
- Demonstrate problem-solving skills
- Demonstrate appropriate creativity
- Use time-management skills
- Participate in career planning to enhance job-success potential.
- Assess personal interests and skills needed for success in business
- Analyze employer expectations in the business environment
- Explain the rights of workers
- Identify sources of career information
- Identify tentative occupational interest
- Explain employment opportunities in business
- Explain career opportunities in entrepreneurship
- Recognize management’s role to understand its contribution to business success.
- Explain the concept of management
- Explain the nature of managerial ethics
- Utilize planning tools to guide organization’s/department’s activities.
- Explain the nature of business plans
- Define business mission
- Conduct an organizational SWOT
- Explain external planning considerations
- Identify potential business threats and opportunities to protect a business’s financial wellbeing.
- Explain the nature of risk management
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