DSL 403 - Diesel Electronic Engine Control I Last Date of Approval: Fall 2021
3 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 22.5 Total Lab Hours: 45 Course Description: The Power Train and Maintenance course will provide students with the opportunity to learn the correct service procedures when working with clutches, transmissions and final drives components.
Corequisites: None Prerequisites: None Prerequisites/Corequisites: None
Mode(s) of Instruction: Face to face
Credit for Prior Learning: No credit for prior learning
Course Fees: None
Common Course Assessment(s): None
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives: Students must demonstrate wire sizes
Students must demonstrate wire repairs and terminal replacement
Students must demonstrate how info is stored temporarily
Students must demonstrate how information is stored permanently
Students must demonstrate how to read a wire schematic
Students must demonstrate to use OEM based software
Students must demonstrate how the ASE trouble code system
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