Sep 18, 2024  
2024-2025 General Catalog 
2024-2025 General Catalog
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MAT 210 - Calculus I

Course Department: Mathematics
Last Date of Approval: Fall 2023

4 Credits
Total Lecture Hours: 60
Total Lab Hours: 0
Total Clinical Hours: 0
Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0

Course Description:
This is a first course in integrated calculus and analytic geometry. The concepts of analytic geometry are studied as they apply to calculus. The calculus concepts covered include the rate of change of a function, limits, derivatives of algebraic, logarithmic, trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions, applications of the derivative, and an introduction to integration. This course will also help students gain mathematical literacy which will be of vital significance when making important life decisions. In addition, this course will help with any career that involves mathematics, decision making, or problem-solving.

Prerequisites: MAT 127 - College Algebra and Trigonometry  or equivalent with C grade or the necessary score on the mandatory assessment and placement chart found in the course catalog.
Mode(s) of Instruction: Traditional/Face-to-Face

Credit for Prior Learning: This course offers an opportunity for students to earn Credit for Prior Learning for skills that they have brought with them to Iowa Central. For more information, please ask the instructor and see the Iowa Central Community College catalog.

Course Fees: ebook/Access Code: $124.99 (charged once per term for all courses that use Cengage Unlimited)

Common Course Assessment(s): None

Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
Outcome 1: Calculate the limit of a function.
    Task 1: Use the informal definition of limits to evaluate limits of functions.
    Task 2:    Find limits of linear and quadratic functions using the formal (ε - δ) definition. 
    Task 3:    Find limits using the operational properties.
    Task 4:    Apply the test for continuity to determine whether a function is continuous.
    Task 5:    Calculate one-sided limits.
    Task 6:    Apply the Sandwich Theorem to find limit as theta approaches zero of sin(theta) over theta and the limit as theta approaches zero of (1-cos(theta))/theta.   
    Task 7:    Perform end-behavior analysis on a function y = f(x) by evaluating the limit as x approaches plus and minus infinity of f(x).  
    Task 8:    Determine behavior of a function about vertical asymptotes by evaluating the limits as x approaches c from the left and right of f(x).  
    Task 9:    Determine values for x which will give a desired functional output.

Outcome 2: Calculate the derivative of a function and apply the derivative to solve application problems.
    Task 1:    Employ the connection between the slope of the secant line to the slope of the tangent line.
    Task 2:    Use the definition of the derivative to evaluate the derivative of a function.         
    Task 3:    Use various notations for the derivative such as y’, dy/dx, f’(x), d/dx(y), etc.          
    Task 4:    Employ the connection between continuity and differentiability.
    Task 5:    Use the definition of the derivative to calculate one-sided derivatives.
    Task 6:    Evaluate derivatives of constants using the Constant Rule.
    Task 7:    Evaluate derivatives of functions of the form y = x^n, n any rational number, by using the Power Rule.
    Task 8:    Use the Constant Multiple Rule to calculate derivatives.
    Task 9:    Use the Sum and Difference Rule to calculate derivatives of the sum or difference of functions.
    Task 10: Calculate derivatives of products of functions by using the Product Rule.
    Task 11: Use the Quotient Rule to calculate the quotient of two functions.
    Task 12: Evaluate derivatives of compositions of two or more functions using the Chain Rule.
    Task 13: Evaluate higher-order derivatives.
    Task 14: Calculate y’ for an implicitly defined function defined by f(x,y) = 0.
    Task 15: Use the definition of the derivative to calculate the derivatives of sine and cosine.
    Task 16: Use the differentiation rules to calculate the derivatives of tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant.
    Task 17: Use the Mean Value Theorem to locate the value(s) of x where the average rate of change of a function over the interval [a,b] is equal to the instantaneous rate of change.

Outcome 3: Employ the relationship between the derivative, antiderivative, indefinite integral, and definite integral.
    Task 1:    Determine the critical points of a function.
    Task 2:    Determine the intervals where a function is increasing or decreasing.
    Task 3:    Determine the inflection points of a function.
    Task 4:    Determine the intervals where a function is concave up or concave down.
    Task 5:    Use the First Derivative Test to determine local extrema.
    Task 6:    Use the Second Derivative Test to determine local extrema.
     Task 7:    Distinguish between local and absolute extrema.
    Task 8:    Sketch a curve using the information obtained in Task 1-Task 7 of Outcome 3.
    Task 9:    Use the derivative to solve a maximum/minimum application problem.
    Task 10: Use the derivative to solve a related-rates type problem.
    Task 11: Approximate the zeros of a function using Newton’s Method and a graphing utility.
    Task 12: Use the derivative to calculate the velocity, speed, and acceleration of a particle moving along a curve.
    Task 13: Develop a linear approximation to a function y = f(x) about x = c.
    Task 14: Use differentials to approximate the exact change in a function.
    Task 15: Use the position function s(t) = ½gt^2 + v_0 t + s_0 to model a free-falling object.

Outcome 4: Calculate the integral of a function to find the antiderivative and the area under a curve.
    Task  1: Demonstrate that the general antiderivative is not unique.
    Task  2: Calculate the general antiderivative for polynomials, radical functions, and basic trigonometric functions.
    Task  3: Relate finding antiderivatives to differential equations and initial-value problems.
    Task  4: Use antiderivatives to solve initial-value problems involving velocity/acceleration, free-falling bodies, and related rates.
    Task  5: Relate the definite integral to the antiderivative.
    Task  6: Relate the indefinite integral of a function to its general antiderivative.
    Task  7: Partition an interval [a,b] into n closed subintervals of equal length.
    Task  8: Determine the width, delta x, of each subinterval.
    Task  9: Determine the height of the rectangle by using the left endpoint, right endpoint, or midpoint of the subintervals.
    Task 10: Calculate the area of each rectangle.
    Task 11: Estimate the area under the curve y = f(x) by adding the areas of all the rectangles.
    Task 12: Write the sums for the areas using summation notation.
    Task 13: Employ algebraic rules for finite sums.
    Task 14: Use the formulas for finite sums to calculate various summations.
    Task 15: Use a graphing utility to calculate approximations to areas under a curve y = f(x).
    Task 16: Use numerical methods to calculate definite integrals.
    Task 17: Calculate the Riemann sum for y = f(x) on the interval [a,b].
    Task 18: Use a graphing utility to evaluate the Riemann sum of a function y = f(x).
    Task 19: Demonstrate that the definite integral is defined to be the limit of the Riemann sum.
    Task 20: Use the integral symbol to represent the definite integral of y = f(x) over the interval [a,b].
    Task 21: Discuss terminology concerning integration.
    Task 22: State the condition that insures which functions are continuous.
    Task 23: Demonstrate the rules for definite integrals.
    Task 24: Utilize the Mean Value Theorem for the definite integral.
    Task 25: Use the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, Parts I and II, to calculate the definite integral.
    Task 26: Use graphing utility to calculate the definite integral for a function.
    Task 27: Use the notation of the indefinite integral.
    Task 28: Discuss the need for the constant of integration on an indefinite integral.
    Task 29: Calculate the indefinite integral for various functions.
    Task 30: Use u-substitution to integrate functions which are made up of a composition of two or more functions.
    Task 31: Use the method of u-substitution to solve both definite and indefinite integrals.
    Task 32: Discuss how one might develop a numerical method for calculating definite integrals.
    Task 33: Use the Trapezoid Rule to calculate definite integrals.
    Task 34: Use Simpson’s Rule to calculate definite integrals.
    Task 35: Discuss error involved in using either the Trapezoid Rule or Simpson’s Rule.
    Task 36: Use a graphing utility to integrate a function using the Trapezoid Rule or Simpson’s Rule.

Outcome 5: Employ exponential, logarithmic, and inverse trigonometric functions, utilizing derivatives and integrals.
    Task 1:    Calculate the natural log function.
     Task 2:    Graph and interpret the function y = e^x.
     Task 3:    Solve exponential and logarithmic equations.
    Task 4: Differentiate exponential functions.
     Task 5:    Integrate exponential functions.
    Task 6: Set up and solve applications involving exponential functions.
     Task 7:    Graph and interpret the function y = ln x.
     Task 8:    Use the properties of logs to simplify log expressions.
     Task 9:    Differentiate natural log functions.
     Task 10: Perform logarithmic differentiation.
     Task 11: Integrate functions resulting in the natural log function.
     Task 12: Identify the domain and range of the inverse trig functions.
     Task 13: Use right triangle interpretation of inverse trig functions to find associated values.
     Task 14: Differentiate inverse trig functions.
     Task 15: Integrate functions resulting in inverse trig functions.

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