Feb 05, 2025  
2024-2025 General Catalog 
2024-2025 General Catalog
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PHT 250 - Marketing in Photography

Last Date of Approval: Spring 2021

2 Credits
Total Lecture Hours: 30
Course Description:
Students will learn to identify and reach targeted potential markets in photography. After establishing an authentic personal brand, each student will incorporate their brand into a range of outreach strategies, websites, and blogging. Students will build social media marketing platforms and learn to use them effectively, develop promotional materials, such as client welcome packets, and construct effective databases. Video marketing projects will provide the opportunity to create promotional videos for clients and businesses. This course offers a unique practical approach to learning marketing ethics and focuses on building relationships among client and creator.

Prerequisites/Corequisites: None

Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to-face

Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.

Course Fees: Course Materials: $25.00

Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
1. Students will embody broadened imaginative and creative powers in their body of work.

2. Students will prepare relationships will local civic/non-profits photographing and creating marketing material.

3. Students will demonstrate preparation for the professional filed of photography and ability to create a professional portfolio of images for specific projects.

4. Students will expand their art making by engaging in a variety of approaches to photography, while incorporating a conceptual framework in their exploration.

5. Students will demonstrate an advanced level of skill in the use of the Adobe creative cloud software.

Course Objectives

1. Student Objectives: Learn to prepare an effective price list of goodsand services.

2. Develop skills in budgeting as it relates to the high and low income cycles associated with each aspect of the portrait.

3. Understand how studio layout and design effects efficiency and customer comfort.

4. Learn how to prioritize the purchasing of equipment and salable goods, such as frames, folders, and other supplies.

5. Understand the importance of remaining aware of current trends and techniques through trade publications and attending professional conventions, workshops, and seminars

6. Understand how to effectively schedule appointments

7. Demonstrate personal responsibility through active and consistent class participation. Integrate historical and contemporary historical issues related to photographer through library research and journaling.

8. Manage accountability and professionalism when working one on one with a non-profit/civic organization.

9. Identify on line applications to conduct research and create boards on recreating sciences and concepts for photography sessions.

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