Sep 16, 2024  
2024-2025 General Catalog 
2024-2025 General Catalog
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PHY 162 - College Physics I

Course Department: Science
Last Date of Approval: fall 2021

4 Credits
Total Lecture Hours: 45
Total Lab Hours: 30
Total Clinical Hours: 0
Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0

Course Description:
This course provides a general background for those who do not plan advanced study in physics or engineering. Topics covered include elementary mechanics, including kinematics and dynamics of particles; work and energy; linear and angular momentum; rotational motion; gravitation; thermodynamics; and oscillation. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Math/Science area. This course will help students refine their critical thinking skills as they evaluate various topics and concepts while searching for underlying connections between the concepts, which is a skill that should be beneficial in any/all types of careers. This course will also help students gain scientific literacy which will be of vital significance when making important life decisions. 

Prerequisites: Minimum ALEKS math placement score of 30 is required. Enrollment in or completion of MAT 127 - College Algebra and Trigonometry  or an ALEKS math placement score above 45 is strongly recommended.
Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to-face

Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.

Course Fees: None

Common Course Assessment(s): None

Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
  • Create a graphical organizer to describe a physical situation such as a force diagram or energy diagram.  Then use the graphical organizer to generate a set of equations describing the physical situation.
  • Evaluate a physical situation in terms of applicable conservation laws with specific reference to an appropriate graphical organizer and/or set of equations describing the situation.
  • Design a laboratory procedure to examine and assess data within the context of an accepted physical model.

Course Objectives

Outcome 1:  Utilize the SI system of measurement, error analysis and the use of vectors.

Task 1:  Determine whether or not an equation is dimensionally correct, convert from one SI unit to another unit for the same quantity and apply appropriate SI prefixes that indicate multiples of base units.

Task 2:  Apply the rules of significant figures and represent an answer with the correct number of significant figures.

Task 3:  Define a vector quantity and a scalar quantity, give examples for each, and solve vector problems using geometric constructions and arithmetically by either plane trigonometry or component addition.

Task 4:  Quantify and minimize sources of random uncertainty so that the precision of measurements can be enhanced, and compensate for systematic error in measurements so that accuracy can be improved.

Outcome 2:  Apply the laws of motion in one, two, and three dimensions.

Task 1:  Define, give formulas and solve problems involving time, displacement, average velocity, and average acceleration in both one, two, and three dimensions.

Task 2:  Apply one of the general kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated motion to solve for one of the five parameters: initial velocity, final velocity, acceleration, time, and displacement.

Task 3:  Plot graphs of displacement vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs. time.  Use any graph to determine the shape of the other two graphs and be able to determine instantaneous velocity, average velocity, instantaneous acceleration, average acceleration, and displacement from graphs. Recognize how graphs can be used to describe changes in position, velocity, and acceleration of an object moving along a straight line.

Task 4:  Solve acceleration problems involving free-falling bodies in a gravitational field.

Task 5:  Determine the position, velocity, range, maximum height, and time of flight of a projectile when its initial velocity, position and of projection are given.

Task 6:  Determine the velocity, acceleration, and period of revolution of a particle moving in a circle.

Outcome 3:  Use the relationship between the forces applied to an object and the motion that results.

Task 1:  Identify the force pairs acting in a system.

Task 2:  Describe the properties of friction and explain why the coefficient of static friction is greater than the coefficient of kinetic friction.

Task 3:  Draw a free-body diagram for objects in motion with constant acceleration, and solve friction and frictionless problems for any of the following: force (or force component forces), mass, acceleration, tension, coefficients of friction, or inclined plane angles.

Outcome 4:  Use the concepts of work and energy, energy conservation and energy and work relationship.

Task 1:  Calculate the work done by constant and variable forces. Graph force vs. displacement, and determine amount of work and the force constant from the graph.

Task 2:  Solve problems involving the concept of kinetic energy and its relationship to the net work done on a point mass as embodied in the work-energy theorem.

Task 3:  Discuss and solve problems concerning the principle of conservation of mechanical energy and the relationship between the performance of work and the corresponding change in kinetic energy.

Task 4:  Determine the power of a system and understand its relationship to time, force, distance, and velocity.

Task 5:  Relate conservation and non-conservative forces to the net work done by a force when an object moves in a closed loop.

Outcome 5:  Use concepts related to systems of particles and collisions.  The concepts will include center of mass, impulse, linear momentum, and elastic and inelastic collisions.

Task 1:  Find the Center of Mass of a system of particles and of a continuous object.

Task 2:  State the impulse-momentum theorem.  Determine impulse, average constant force, time of contact by the force and final speed of an object given the appropriate conditions.

Task 3:  Evaluate the linear momentum of a system of particles.  In a system involving two objects where linear momentum is conserved, calculate the velocity or mass of either object if pertinent masses and velocities are given.  Consider both elastic and inelastic collisions; and when only one body is initially moving or when both bodies are initially moving.

Task 4:  State the law of conservation of momentum and apply it to the solution of physical problems.

Outcome 6:  Apply the laws of motion relating to circular and rotational motion.

Task 1:  Solve problems requiring the knowledge of centripetal force including banking angles, the conical pendulum, and motion in a vertical circle.

Task 2:  Define angular displacement, angular velocity, and angular acceleration, and apply these concepts to the solution of physical problems.

Task 3:  Draw analogies relating rotational-motion parameters (?, ?, a) to linear-motion parameters (d, v, a), and solve angular acceleration problems.

Task 4:  Define the moment of inertia of a body and describe how this quantity and the angular speed can be used to calculate rotational kinetic energy.

Task 5:  Apply the concepts of Newton’s second law, rotational work, rotational power, and angular momentum to the solution of physical problems.

Task 6:  Compute the torque produced by a given force and the angular momentum about any center of a particle or system of particles.

Task 7:  Solve problems using the Law of Conservation of Angular Momentum.

Outcome 7:  Use concepts of temperature, heat transfer, thermodynamics, and heat engines.

Task 1:  Given a temperature in Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvins, determine the temperatures in the other two scales.

Task 2:  State and explain the zeroth law of thermodynamics.

Task 3:  Solve problems concerning heat transfer (expansion, specific heat, final temperature of mixtures, heats of fusion and vaporization).

Task 4:  Define and give illustrated examples of adiabatic, constant volume, cyclical and free expansion processes and be able to interpret a P-V diagram.

Task 5:  Define the second law of thermodynamics stated in terms of entropy, energy transfer, or engine efficiency.

Task 6:  Discuss the tenets of the Kinetic theory of gases.

Task 7:  Describe an ideal gas. In the description include discussion of pressure exerted in terms of particle speed, and average translational kinetic energy.

Task 8:  Derive and use relationship between temperature, pressure, and volume for ideal gases.

Task 9:  Describe a heat engine in terms of an energy flow diagram and calculate the work done in a cycle.

Task 10:  Derive and investigate the relationship between work done by a heat engine and changes in the pressure and volume of the engine’s working medium.

Outcome 8:  Use concepts related to oscillations and simple harmonic motion.

Task 1:  Provided a graph or verbal description of simple harmonic motion, determine the frequency, period and amplitude.

Task 2:  Compute the frequency, angular frequency, displacement, phase difference, or period in simple harmonic motion when given the appropriate conditions.

Task 3:  Write and apply a relationship between the frequency of motion and the mass of a vibrating object when the spring constant is known.

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