Feb 04, 2025
FIR 154 - Fundamentals of Firefighting II Last Date of Approval: Spring 2020
4.5 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 45 Total Lab Hours: 45 Total Clinical Hours: 0 Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0
Course Description: This course provides information and skills needed to meet the performance objectives in NFPA 1001, Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, Fire Fighter II.
Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Firefighting I Mode(s) of Instruction: Traditional/face-to-face
Credit for Prior Learning: This course offers an opportunity for students to earn Credit for Prior Learning for skills that they have brought with them to Iowa Central. For more information, please ask the instructor and see the Iowa Central Community College catalog.
Course Fees: Testing Charge: $50.00
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives: Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Discuss on-scene communications and post-incident reports.
Identify hazards related to building construction, as well as factors that indicate possible structural collapse.
Maintain extrication and rescue tools and equipment.
Perform basic vehicle extrication skills as well as describe the role of a Firefighter II in supporting specialized technical rescue teams.
Explain safety rules for service testing a fire hose.
Explain how foam is generated and used as a fire fighting tool.
Place a foam line in service using an in-line eductor and to extinguish an ignitable liquid fire.
Describe tasks related to coordinating fireground operations.
Describe tasks related to establishing fireground command.
Describe tasks related to controlling Class B fires.
Describe evidence location and collection.
Explain the various roles involved in a fire investigation.
Plan and conduct private dwelling and pre-incident planning surveys.
Explain the components and considerations for preparing and delivering fire and life safety presentations.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Explain the information gathered by postincident reports.
Create an incident report.
Explain the hazards related to building construction.
Recognize the factors that influence structural collapse potential.
Explain considerations for maintenance of electric generators and lighting equipment.
Demonstrate the steps for inspecting, servicing, and maintaining a portable generator and lighting equipment.
Describe the types of rescue tools and equipment.
Explain the uses and limitations of each type of rescue tool.
Identify the role of a fire department during vehicle extrication.
Describe safety considerations that must be identified and mitigated during vehicle extrication.
Explain the use of cribbing material during vehicle extrication.
Describe the methods used for gaining access to victims during vehicle extrication.
Explain the role a Firefighter II will play in technical rescue operations.
Describe the various types of technical rescue operations.
Explain the unique hazards associated with each type of technical rescue operation.
Prevent horizontal movement of a vehicle using wheel chocks.
Stabilize a vehicle using cribbing.
Remove a windshield in an older model vehicle.
Remove a tempered glass side window.
Remove a roof from an upright vehicle.
Remove a roof from a vehicle on its side.
Displace the dashboard.
Describe the safety considerations taken when service testing a fire hose.
Service test a fire hose.
Describe the methods by which firefighting foam prevents or controls a hazard.
Identify foam concentrates.
Explain the factors that impact foam expansion and selection.
Describe methods by which foam may be proportioned.
Explain the advantages and disadvantages of various foam proportioners, delivery devices, and generating systems.
Identify causes of poor foam production.
Distinguish among various foam application techniques.
Identify foam hazards and ways to control them.
Place a foam line in service using an in-line eductor.
Extinguish an ignitable liquid fire.
Describe considerations taken when coordinating fireground operations.
Explain fireground roles and responsibilities a firefighter II may need to coordinate.
Discuss the process of establishing and transferring Command.
Establish Incident Command and coordinate interior attack of a structure fire.
List safety precautions that should be taken at flammable/combustible liquid fire incidents.
Recognize methods used when coordinating operations at a property protected by a fire suppression system.
Explain ways to use water to control Class B fires.
Compare methods used to suppress bulk transport vehicle fires and flammable gas incidents.
Control a pressurized flammable gas container fire.
Describe types of evidence used to indicate the area of origin or fire cause.
Recognize fire cause evidence.
Explain the roles and responsibilities of responders and investigators involved in fire investigations.
Tell what legal issues impact location and collection of evidence during a fire investigation.
Protect evidence of fire cause and origin.
Describe the role of a Firefighter II in planning for and conducting private dwelling fire safety surveys.
Describe the role of a Firefighter II in planning for and conducting preincident planning surveys.
Prepare a preincident planning survey.
Conduct a fire safety survey in an occupied structure.
Explain the components that must be considered when developing fire and life safety presentations.
Recognize considerations that must be addressed when giving presentations to young children and fire station tours.
Make a fire and life safety presentation.
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