Feb 04, 2025
FIR 159 - Fundamentals of Firefighting IV Last Date of Approval: Spring 2021
3 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 0 Total Lab Hours: 90 Total Clinical Hours: 0 Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0
Course Description: This course provides information, skills, and fireground opportunities to further improve performance of the skills learned in Fundamentals I, II, and III. The emphasis is now on leading a firefighting crew, and working synergistically to become safe and efficient. Firefighter self-rescue and rapid intervention crew operations are also emphasized.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: None
Mode(s) of Instruction: Traditional/face-to-face
Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.
Course Fees: None
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives: Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Perform basic fire origin and fire cause investigations.
Successfully implement Crew Resource Management on the fireground.
Identify the need for specialized technical rescue services.
Perform advanced automobile extrication skills.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Identify the area of fire origin during a fire investigation.
Given a simple fire investigation, identify the fire cause during a fire investigation.
Demonstrate proper methods of preserving evidence of fire cause and origin.
Effectively manage personnel resources in accordance with Crew Resource Management on the fireground.
Effectively work through emergency scenarios involving firefighter self-rescue.
Call a Mayday after experiencing a problem during firefighting operations.
Perform controlled breathing during a firefighter emergency.
Orient oneself using common structural landmarks when disoriented.
Determine which direction leads to the outside after finding a lost hoseline.
Locate a downed firefighter in a building.
Protect a downed firefighter in a building during rescue operations.
Breach a wall to access a downed firefighter.
Rescue a firefighter from a lower level.
Rescue a firefighter trapped under debris.
Improvise to make a “RIT Pack” to use during firefighter rescue operations.
Utilize a “RIT Pack” during firefighter rescue operations.
Perform automobile extrication on an overturned vehicle.
Perform automobile extrication on a vehicle in a ditch.
Stablize and perform extrication on a vehicle on its side.
Demonstrate the “Noah’s Ark” extrication technique.
Perform automobile extrication on unusual vehicles.
As part of a firefighting crew, deploy a supply line 300’ from a hydrant, then deploy one attack line flowing 100 gpm and one backup line flowing 200 gpm within 3 minutes.
As part of a firefighting crew, establish a drafting operation at a minimum of 300 gpm from a portable tank with a fire engine within 5 minutes.
As part of a firefighting crew, deploy a supply line 300’ from a hydrant, then deploy a monitor nozzle flowing a minimum of 500 gpm within 3 minutes.
As part of a firefighting crew, deploy a 2½” hoseline with a gated wye to the third floor, then connect a 100’ high-rise pack, advance to the fourth floor, and flow water at a minimum of 100 gpm.
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