DRA 125 - Introduction to Play Analysis Last Date of Approval: Spring 2021
3 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 45 Total Lab Hours: 0 Total Clinical Hours: 0 Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0
Course Description: Introduction to Play Analysis offers tools and approaches for reading and interpreting plays as blueprints for theatrical performance. It is designed to equip students to closely analyze scripts in an effort to find and share the playwright’s meaning. Students will learn how to examine the play’s dramatic structure and find clues to conflict, character, theme, and given circumstances to create believable characters which connect their creative choices with the playwright’s through lines. The course will include plays which encompass a range of genres and time periods. Introduction to Play Analysis offers students the opportunity to build confidence in their communication skills while also enabling them to think critically, express themselves effectively and consider the viewpoints of others, skills which will benefit them personally, academically, and professionally.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: None
Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to face, virtual
Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.
Course Fees: None
Common Course Assessment(s): None
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives: Demonstrate mastery of close reading skills and the use of theatrical imagination
- Breakdown assigned plays into units and beats of action, charting the exposition through complications, rising action, crisis and resolution
- Improve written and oral communication skills and increase collaborative skills through group projects featuring script analysis
- Begin the habit of reading plays and processing and analyzing them in order to create a repertoire of future audition material.
- Analyze and identify the universal dramatic action, conflict, characters, given circumstances, main idea and dramatic structure of selected plays
- Analyze scripts in order to make effective and logical performance and production choices
- Create character sketches that track the given circumstances provided by the playwright in terms of character traits, motives and desires
Demonstrate preparedness for class by completing reading, writing and performance assignments on an assigned timeline
- Utilize reference resources to provide support for interpretative choices
Cultivate an understanding of the specific analytical needs of actors, directors, and designers and how to work in collaboration to create a final product
- Dramatize selections through solo and team oral interpretation to illustrate pivotal moments in a script’s dramatic progression
- Justify choices made in performance based on an understanding of Aristotle’s elements of drama as a result of thorough dramatic analysis
Explore how theatre can reflect, challenge and change the world
- Investigate key works of dramatic literature for insight into storytelling and its impact on society
- Research the cultural and theatrical significance of certain works in order to gain context for interpretation
- Develop tolerance for other points of view through the discovery of the motivations that drive the actions and beliefs of characters
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