Feb 05, 2025
MUS 136 - Music Theory Lab II Last Date of Approval: Spring 2021
1 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 0 Total Lab Hours: 30 Total Clinical Hours: 0 Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0
Course Description: Continuation of principles of key relationships, intervals, triads, and improvement of sight reading musical notation. All aspects of rhythmic and melodic structure, including minor tonalities, are studied and practiced.
Corequisites: MUS 121 - Music Theory II Prerequisites: MUS 120 - Music Theory I and MUS 135 - Music Theory Lab I. Permission of the instructor. Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to-face
Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.
Course Fees: None
Common Course Assessment(s): None
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
- Develop sight-singing skills and ear-training ability.
- Criticize constructively each other’s musical analysis/performance.
- Represent proper conducting skills
Course Objectives:
Ear Training:
- Conduct with ease any music with one, two, three, four, five or six beats per measure and begin showing dynamic shading with the left hand
- Identify all authentic church modes, the chromatic, pentatonic and whole tone scales
- Continue to improve aurally recognizing intervals
- Expand written dictation to melodies of 4 - 8 measures in length
- Expand rhythmic dictation to incorporate more advanced rhythmic patterns
- Aurally identify harmonic functions within a musical composition by determining phrase and periodic lengths, use of sequences and rhythmic repetition of melodic patterns
- Expand aural identification of triad quality to seventh chords and their inversions as well as ii7 and vii7 and their inversions
- Aurally identifying chord functions (V7, ii7 and vii7), choice of cadences and recognition of non-harmonic tones (soprano voice) in 4-part writing
- Further mastery of all modules of the online program, musictheory.net, as prescribed by instructor
- Sing all authentic modes and the chromatic scale - upward and downward - with solfege
- Achieve greater facility in sight-singing more advanced duets and ensemble selections than those of SSI and SSII
- Solfege melodies of greater difficulty as found in later chapters of Ottman
- Sing major and minor triads as found in figured bass lines (Roman numeral indication)
- Sing inversions of the V7 chord and begin root position only of the fully diminished and half-diminished seventh chords
- Achieve facility in singing non-harmonic tones as specified
- Sing (arpeggiate) any triad in any key, given the tonic tone
- Continue reading more advanced rhythmic patterns
- Begin sight singing atonal, unmetered music
- Develop ability to harmonize simple melodies on the piano using I, IV and V chords.
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