Feb 05, 2025  
2024-2025 General Catalog 
2024-2025 General Catalog
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MUS 235 - Music Theory Lab III

Last Date of Approval: Spring 2021

1 Credits
Total Lecture Hours: 0
Total Lab Hours: 30
Total Clinical Hours: 0
Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0

Course Description:
This course continues the development of accurate aural skills.  A variety of activities are used including: sight singing, chord recognition, rhythmic dictation and melodic dictation.

Prerequisites/Corequisites: Permission of the instructor Successful Completion of MUS 136 - Music Theory Lab II  and II Enrolled in MUS 220 - Music Theory III.

Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to-face

Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.

Course Fees: None

Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
1. Develop sight-singing skills and ear-training ability.
2. Criticize constructively each other’s musical analysis/performance.
3. Represent proper conducting skills

Course Objectives:
Ear Training:
1. Conduct with ease any music with one, two, three, four, five or six beats per measure and begin showing dynamic shading with the left hand
2. Identify all authentic church modes, the chromatic, pentatonic and whole tone scales
3. Continue to improve aurally recognizing intervals
4. Expand written dictation to melodies of 4 - 8 measures in length
5. Expand rhythmic dictation to incorporate more advanced rhythmic patterns
6. Aurally identify harmonic functions within a musical composition by
determining phrase and periodic lengths, use of sequences and rhythmic
repetition of melodic patterns
7. Expand aural identification of triad quality to seventh chords and their
inversions as well as ii7 and vii7 and their inversions
8. Aurally identifying chord functions (V7, ii7 and vii7), choice of cadences and recognition of non-harmonic tones (soprano voice) in 4-part writing
9. Further mastery of all modules of the online program, musictheory.net, as prescribed by instructor

1. Sing all authentic modes and the chromatic scale - upward and downward - with solfege
2. Achieve greater facility in sight-singing more advanced duets and ensemble selections than those of SSI and SSII
3. Solfege melodies of greater difficulty as found in later chapters of Ottman
4. Sing major and minor triads as found in figured bass lines (Roman numeral indication)
5. Sing inversions of the V7 chord and begin root position only of the fully
diminished and half-diminished seventh chords
6. Achieve facility in singing non-harmonic tones as specified
7. Sing (arpeggiate) any triad in any key, given the tonic tone
8. Continue reading more advanced rhythmic patterns
9. Begin sight singing atonal, unmetered music
10. Develop ability to harmonize simple melodies on the piano using I, IV and V chords.

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