Jul 27, 2024  
2019-2020 General Catalog 
2019-2020 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Transfer Information

Associate of Arts/Associate of Science - Transfer Majors

The Transfer Major in either the Associate of Arts or Associate of Science Degree from Iowa Central will enable a student to enter four-year colleges and universities as a junior prepared to complete work toward a bachelor’s degree in any number of major fields of study. Here is a partial list of majors students could select at a four-year institution after their freshman and sophomore years at Iowa Central.


Associate of Arts/Associate of Science - General Studies

The two-year Associate of Arts Degree from Iowa Central will enable a student to enter four-year colleges and universities prepared to complete work toward a bachelor’s degree in any number of major fields of study. Since graduation requirements vary at the four-year institution, students should become familiar with the specific course requirements of the four-year institution to which they plan to transfer. Here are some examples of majors students could select at a four-year institution after their freshman and sophomore years at Iowa Central.

  • Accounting
  • Advertising
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Agriculture Business
  • Agriculture Education
  • Agronomy
  • Animal Science
  • Anthropology
  • Apparel Design
  • Architecture
  • Art & Design
  • Athletic Trainer
  • Aviation
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Botany
  • Broadcasting
  • Business Administration
  • Chemistry
  • Child Care
  • Child & Family Services
  • Chiropractic
  • Civil Engineering
  • Coaching
  • Communication
  • Computer Science
  • Consumer Food Science
  • Criminology
  • Dairy Science
  • Dental Hygiene
  • Dentistry
  • Dietetics - Food & Nutrition
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Earth Science
  • Ecology
  • Economics
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Elementary Education
  • English
  • Entomology
  • Environmental Studies & Planning
  • Family & Consumer Sciences Ed
  • Family Resource Management
  • Farm Operations
  • Fashion Merchandising
  • Finance
  • Fisheries
  • Food Science
  • Forestry
  • French
  • Genetics
  • Geography
  • German
  • Government
  • History
  • Horticulture
  • Housing
  • Hospital Management
  • Hotel & Restaurant Management
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Interior Design
  • International Business
  • International Relations
  • Journalism
  • Law
  • Leisure Studies
  • Liberal Arts
  • Library Science
  • Literature
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Mass Communication
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Medical Technology
  • Medicine
  • Meteorology
  • Microbiology
  • Mortuary Science
  • Music
  • Nuclear Engineering
  • Nuclear Medical Technology
  • Nursing
  • Nutritional Science
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Optometry
  • Pharmacy
  • Philosophy
  • Physician Assistant
  • Physics
  • Physical Education
  • Physical Therapy
  • Physician
  • Plant Pathology
  • Podiatry
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Public Administration
  • Public Relations
  • Radiology
  • Radio/TV Journalism
  • Recreation
  • Religion
  • Sociology
  • Social Science
  • Social Work
  • Soil Management
  • Spanish
  • Special Education
  • Speech Education
  • Speech Communication
  • Statistics
  • Theatre
  • Transportation & Logistics
  • Veterinary Medicine
  • Virology
  • Wildlife Biology
  • Zoology

College and University Transfer Information

The following courses of study are examples of how courses taken at Iowa Central meet requirements for various majors at selected four-year institutions in Iowa. The outlines are intended as guidelines for students planning to enter the pro­fession listed. The list is not all inclusive, and students should consult with their advisors concerning requirements for their individual bachelor degree programs.

The courses of study have been compiled with the assistance of each senior college. Due to possible changes after printing, students must assume the re­sponsibility for their own course of study. Students are advised to correspond with their advisors, the admissions office and the department at the college where they plan to transfer.

Transfer Agreements

Potential transfer students should be aware that the Iowa community colleges and Iowa’s Public Universities have jointly developed a number of agreements to facilitate student transfer. Some of these may be of particular benefit to students. Among these agreements are the following:

Public Connection: Statewide Articulation Agreements Between Iowa’s Community Colleges and Public Universities

Students who complete an AA degree at an Iowa community college and who subsequently enroll at one of Iowa’s Public Universities are considered to have met freshman and sophomore level general education requirements for certain Bachelor’s degrees under the terms specified in the agreement.

Transfer of Vocational-Technical Credits

Iowa’s Public Universities accept up to 16 semester credit hours of vocation­al-technical courses for transfer towards a Bachelor’s degree from the community colleges provided those credits apply to the AA degree at the host community college and the other Iowa community colleges. Students do not have to obtain an AA degree, however, to have this credit awarded.

There are opportunities for completing a Bachelor of Applied Studies at a Uni­versity after completing an Associate of Applied Science at Iowa Central. See your advisor for more information.

Buena Vista University - Fort Dodge Site

The Fort Dodge site of Buena Vista University opened in February 1975. This unique partnership of a public and a private institution serves the region by offering Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Applied Science, and Bachelor of Applied Studies degree programs in Fort Dodge. Students complete the first two years as Iowa Central Community College students and the junior and senior year as Buena Vista University students.

Buena Vista University appeals particularly to employed persons who cannot relocate to complete their four-year degrees. In addition to the large evening program, courses are also delivered online and hybrid. Students can complete their degrees while maintaining their home and job responsibilities.

Evening courses meet twice a week for eight weeks. Six terms make up one school year. The normal course load is two courses per term, thus 36 hours are completed each year.


The Buena Vista Fort Dodge Site is classified as a transfer degree completion location. Persons who have completed an Associate of Arts degree or two years of college work (60 semester hours) with an acceptable grade point average qualify for admission.

General Information

A significant aspect of Buena Vista University in Fort Dodge is the on-site personalized academic counseling and course programming available to students. Students planning to complete full four-year programs at Iowa Central and Buena Vista/Fort Dodge are encouraged to plan their programs with assistance from the advisors at both institutions.

Several types of financial aid are available to Buena Vista/Fort Dodge students. Persons wishing information about registration and transfer procedures, degree requirements, or financial aid should contact the Buena Vista/Fort Dodge office on the main floor of the Iowa Central Liberal Arts Building, Room 102, by tele­phone at 712-749-1914, or by email at fortdodge@bvu.edu.