ACC 932 - Internship Last Date of Approval: Spring 2019
3 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 15 Total Lab Hours: 0 Total Clinical Hours: 0 Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 120
Course Description: This course provides an opportunity to gain practical experience through on-site training in an approved business or governmental office. The actual training will be at the job site and will be under the supervision of a designated person in the business and will be coordinated by the Accounting Associate Program Coordinator.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: Permission of the Accounting Associate and Numbers at Night Program Coordinator
Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to-face, and/or online
Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.
Course Fees: None
Common Course Assessment(s): None
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives: 1. Recognize and emulate the proper work qualities for an accounting position.
a. Obtain on-the-job training in an accounting related-position.
b. Recognize the necessary work habits and skills for successful entry into the accounting field.
c. Emulate successful accounting personnel.
d. Network with accounting professionals for possible future employment.
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