Feb 06, 2025
AGH 180 - Turf Grass Facilities Mgt Last Date of Approval: Spring 2021
2 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 45 Course Description: This course will teach the student management skills specific to the turfgrass industry. The student will gain valuable information on the day-to-day operations at a turfgrass facility. A large part of the course deals with the human relations aspect of being a turfgrass manager.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: None
Mode(s) of Instruction: Traditional/Face-to-Face
Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.
Course Fees: None
Common Course Assessment(s): None
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives: Student Learning Outcomes:
- The student will differentiate between successful and unsuccessful turfgrass management styles.
- The student will recognize factors that the turf manager takes into consideration when selecting a qualified staff.
- The student will analyze different management styles and how they contribute to the employee’s productivity.
Course Objectives:
- What are the functions of a manager?
- Does the turfgrass manager, especially in small organizations, participate in each of these functions?
- How does the superintendent effectively manage employees to perform their jobs efficiently and enthusiastically?
- What is a mission statement?
- What is goal setting and tactical planning?
- In smaller organizations, why is employee recruitment so important?
- How to attract qualified applicants to turfgrass positions
- What are different recruitment methods used to attract applicants?
- What is involved in the selection process of employees?
- What are the common biases that a manager should be aware of and avoid being influenced by them?
- What are the different types of discrimination?
- Why is it so important to train your employees?
- What types of training are available to employees?
- When is a good time to conduct employee training?
- What is performance management?
- What is a job performance guide?
- How to conduct a performance appraisal
- What does it take for a manager of turfgrass to be a good leader?
- What are the tools to increase leadership ability?
- What are the different styles of leadership?
- What is motivation and where does it come from?
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