Jan 20, 2025  
2022-2023 General Catalog 
2022-2023 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ART 134 - Drawing II

Last Date of Approval: Spring 2021

3 Credits
Total Lecture Hours: 30
Total Lab Hours: 30
Total Clinical Hours: 0
Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0

Course Description:
Students will continue to hone the life drawing skills developed in Drawing. Technical proficiency with graphite and charcoal will be increased, while wet media (washes, ink) and color media (pastels, color pencils) will be introduced. Subject matter of life drawing projects will refine visual observations, and include the human figure, portraiture, self-portraiture, landscapes, and the still life. Abstracted compositions will allow students to experiment with drawing as a tool for visual expression. All drawing projects and sketchbook assignments will encourage the development of a personal visual style. Students will explore the work of both historical and contemporary artists. Via self- and class critiques, students will evaluate their own work and that of their peers. Participation in the student art show or equivalent is required. This course prepares students for careers in visual fields, while allowing personal expression.

Prerequisites: ART 133 - Drawing 
Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to-face

Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.

Course Fees: Course Materials: $100.00

Common Course Assessment(s): None

Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
1. Develop further mastery of line, perspective, value, and accurate visual observation to creating images with convincing depictions of space.

2. Increase proficiency with traditional dry media while developing the ability to incorporate wet and color media into drawings.

3. Apply an increased knowledge of human anatomical proportions to figure drawings and integrate the human figure into the compositional relationship.

4. Analyze the techniques and influences of both historical and contemporary artists on drawing today.

5. Experiment with techniques, levels of representation, and personal style through the use of sketchbook assignments.

Course Objectives

1. Demonstrate the ability to visually assess and record a scene quickly with gesture drawing.

2. Apply knowledge of basic structural (skeletal) anatomy to drawings of figures.

3. Evaluate the visual accuracy of other drawings and identify solutions for improving accuracy.

4. Employ line, value, perspective, and composition to create drawings with depth.

5. Successfully incorporate the human figure into drawing compositions.

6. Utilize perspective techniques correctly in all drawings (atmospheric and linear perspective, foreshortening, etc.).

7. Increase proficiency with graphite and charcoal.

8. Utilize the expressive nature of color drawing media, including pastel and color pencil.

9. Create visually accurate drawings with ink wash.

10. Accurately create representational drawings from life.

11. Experiment with the expressive effects of varying levels of abstraction.

12. Create non-objective drawings that express specific ideas, messages, or concepts.

13. Analyze the influence of historical and contemporary artists on the art form of drawing.

14. Compare the effects stylistic choices can have on a composition.

15. Use self-portraiture and abstraction techniques to begin developing a personal artistic style.

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