Dec 04, 2024  
2022-2023 General Catalog 
2022-2023 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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BIO 103 - Introductory Biology Lab

Last Date of Approval: Spring 2020

1 Credits
Total Lecture Hours: 0
Total Lab Hours: 30
Total Clinical Hours: 0
Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0

Course Description:
This is an introductory laboratory in biology. Basic biological principles and theories will be used to investigate the natural world. Students will learn to plan, conduct, analyze, and interpret simple experiments in biology. This course will help students refine their critical thinking skills as they evaluate various topics and concepts while searching for underlying connections between the concepts, which is a skill that should be beneficial in any/all types of careers. This course will also help students gain scientific literacy which will be of vital significance when making important life decisions. This course satisfies a general education requirement in the Math/Science area. Two hours lab.

Prerequisites: BIO 102 Introductory Biology  
Mode(s) of Instruction: Traditional/face-to-face and/or online

Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.

Course Fees: None

Common Course Assessment(s): None

Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
Student Learning Outcomes:

1. Students will evaluate the theory of evolution.
2. Students will interpret the structure and function of living systems.
3. Students will examine information flow, exchange, and storage within a living system.
4. Students will compare and contrast pathways and transformations of energy and matter within living systems.
5. Students will evaluate emergent properties of living systems at various levels.

Unit Objectives: 

Unit 1: Organize and participate in lab work using various investigative methods. 
     Objective 1: Use a microscope when needed, and do so properly. 
     Objective 2: Use the scientific method in the laboratory. 
     Objective 3: Communicate the goals, procedures and results of the experiment at hand. 
     Objective 4: Relate lab findings to general principles and theories. 

Unit 2: Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of life. 
     Objective 1: Evaluate the basic principles of chemistry 
     Objective 2: Summarize the functions of various cell structures. 
     Objective 3: Describe the basic structure and function of DNA. 
     Objective 4: Describe the flow of energy through living things. 
     Objective 5: Use the theory of evolution to explain the unity and diversity of life. 
     Objective 6: Evaluate various ecological principles.

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