CHM 271 - Organic Chemistry II Last Date of Approval: Spring 2022
4 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 45 Total Lab Hours: 45 Total Clinical Hours: 0 Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0
Course Description: This course is a continuation of CHM-261 Organic Chemistry I. The structure, nomenclature, and chemistry of aromatic compounds and various functional groups, carbohydrates, lipids and proteins are considered. Bonding, synthesis, reaction mechanisms and spectroscopy are also emphasized. This course will help students refine their critical thinking skills as they evaluate various topics and concepts while searching for underlying connections between the concepts, which is a skill that should be beneficial in any/all types of careers. This course will also help students gain scientific literacy which will be of vital significance when making important life decisions. Three hours lecture, three hours lab.
Prerequisites: CHM 261 with a C grade or better Mode(s) of Instruction: face-to-face
Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.
Course Fees: None
Common Course Assessment(s): None
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives: Student Learning Outcomes:
- To correctly use chemical concepts and methods to collect data, to organize the data, and draw proper conclusions from the data.
- To effectively communicate chemical data, questions, and conclusions by both written and verbal methods.
- To use chemical data and conclusions in an ethically acceptable and responsible manner.
Unit Objectives:
- Have knowledge of each of the following organic families.
- Acid anhydrides
- Acid halides
- Alcohols
- Aldehydes
- Alkyl halides
- Amides
- Amines
- Arenes (aromatic)
- Aryl halides
- Esters
- Ethers
- Carboxylic acids
- Ketones
- Phenol
- Thiols
- Sulfides
- Know the methods of preparation of each of the above listed organic families.
- Know the reactions of each of the above listed organic families.
- Develop an understanding the mechanisms of reactions for each of the methods for preparation and reactions of the above listed organic families.
- Know the methods of analysis (IR, NMR, and UV) of each of the above listed organic families.
- Be able to prepare compounds both theoretically (on paper) and in the laboratory from the above listed organic families utilizing several methods of preparation in the proper sequence to form the desired product.
- Develop laboratory techniques and interpret chemical concepts from experimentation demonstrating this by:
1: Acting safely and responsibly in the chemical laboratory.
2: Using the proper equipment with correct technique to collect data.
3: Properly performing various laboratory related calculations using calculators and computers.
4: Properly recording observations, data, calculations and conclusions in a laboratory notebook.
5: Reporting results and conclusions both verbally and written as required
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