Feb 06, 2025  
2022-2023 General Catalog 
2022-2023 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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CIS 172 - Java

Last Date of Approval: Spring 2021

4 Credits
Total Lecture Hours: 45
Total Lab Hours: 30
Total Clinical Hours: 0
Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0

Course Description:
This is an introductory course in Java programming. Java programs have uses in business, industry, and Web page design. This course is designed to guide the student in developing applications and applets. The course introduces the student to object-oriented programming concepts along with the Java syntax needed to implement them.  This course is one of the required courses in the Computer Programming Languages Certificate Program.  The course will help students prepare for a career in computer programming and information services.  The course will require students to persevere through challenging problems and manage time to meet deadlines which are both important to everyday life.  Three hours lecture, two hours lab.

Corequisites: MAT-127 
Mode(s) of Instruction: Face-to-face, virtual

Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.

Course Fees: None

Common Course Assessment(s): None

Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
Outcome 1:  Explain what statements mean and do in programs written by others.

Task 1:    Understand the concept of a method and what all methods must contain.  (A header or definition, an open curly bracket, a body, and a closing curly bracket.)
Task 2:    Identify the access modifier for a method. (public, private, friendly, protected, private protected, or static)

Outcome 2:  Create programs that use the computer as a computational tool.

Task 1:    Write classes containing methods to complete computations.
Task 2:    Declare objects in a class.
Task 3:    Determine the scope of a variable within a block.
Task 4:    Write programs which overload a method.
Task 5:    Write programs that send arguments to a constructor method.
Task 6:    Incorporate pre-written methods into a program.

Outcome 3:  Create programs with Java to solve real world problems.

Task 1:    Write methods with no arguments
Task 2:    Write methods with a single argument
Task 3:    Write methods that require multiple arguments
Task 4:    Write methods that return values.
Task 5:    Write declarations for arrays.
Task 6:    Write routines to load arrays with data.
Task 7:    Write routines to print the content of arrays
Task 8:    Write routines to search an array for elements that satisfy specific conditions.
Task 9:    Write routines to process data in a two-dimensional array.
Task 10:  Write routines that pass arrays to methods
Task 11:  Write declarations for strings.

Outcome 4:  Utilize resources to debug errors and to find statements to meet specific needs.

Task 1:    Explain what resources are available on the Internet to assist in fixing programming errors.
Task 2:    Explain what resources are available on the Internet to find programming statements to meet specific needs.
Task 3:    Adapt previous programming statements to meet the needs of the current programming task.
Task 4:    Work collaboratively with classmates to solve programming problems.

Outcome 5:  Use Java statements including selection statements, and loop control statements.

Task 1:    Write a class header for a program.
Task 2:    Write a method header for a program.
Task 3:    Write assignment statements satisfying given conditions.
Task 4:    Write assignment statements using arithmetic operators.
Task 5:    Write statements utilizing the six comparison operators.
Task 6:    Write simple selection statements to perform specific tasks.
Task 7:    Write selection statements that contain compound actions.
Task 8:    Write multiple-alternative structures using nested if - else statements.
Task 9:    Write multiple-alternative structures using switch statements.
Task 10:  Use ordinary assignment statements to provide for counting or accumulating.
Task 11:  Use increment/decrement operators for counters and compound assignment operators for accumulators.
Task 12:  Write programs that use counter-controlled loops.
Task 13:  Write programs that use sentinel-controlled loops.
Task 14:  Write programs that use end-of-file-controlled loops.
Task 15:  Write programs that contain nested loops.

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