PEV 106 - Varsity Sports Participation 2 Course Department: Business Last Date of Approval: Spring 2022
1 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 0 Total Lab Hours: 30 Total Clinical Hours: 0 Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0
Course Description: This course includes the knowledge and skills gained through participation in an intercollegiate sport at Iowa Central Community College. Participants must meet eligibility requirements as deemed by the sports/activities governing body and must complete the season as a squad member to receive full credit.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: PEV 105 - Varsity Sports Participation
Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.
Course Fees: None
Common Course Assessment(s): None
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives: 1. The student will learn the importance of sportsmanship and its importance to intercollegiate athletics.
2. The student will exhibit the traits of a “team-player” and its relationship to a winning and successful athletic program.
3. The student will learn the importance of weight training and physical conditioning and endurance and its importance during the course of the athletic season.
4. The Student will better understand the importance of nutrition and stretching, and their correlation to athletic injury prevention during the course of the season.
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