Feb 09, 2025  
2022-2023 General Catalog 
2022-2023 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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PSY 224 - Adolescent Psychology

Last Date of Approval: Spring 2022

3 Credits
Total Lecture Hours: 45
Total Lab Hours: 0
Total Clinical Hours: 0
Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0

Course Description:
This course examines the influences of hereditary and environmental relating to physical, cognitive, and emotional developmental for adolescents ages 10-19. Emphasis is given to learning theories and developmentally appropriate practices relevant to teenagers, such as pubertal development and its social consequences, changing relationships with families, self and identity development, the important role of peers, school adjustment, and high-risk behaviors. An understanding of adolescence, sometimes referred to as a time of “storm and stress,” can help develop critical thinking skills and assist parents, teachers, and adolescence themselves, navigate this important developmental period. Adolescent Psychology may be required for some early childhood education certificates or programs. It is a popular elective for many transfer students interested in a degree in psychology or teaching. Potential careers include early childhood specialist, paraeducator, teacher, guidance counselor, and art therapist.

Prerequisites/Corequisites: None

Mode(s) of Instruction: traditional/face-to-face or online

Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.

Course Fees: Course Materials: $75.00

Common Course Assessment(s): None

Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
  1. Critically evaluate and accurately interpret current psychological research relating to the learning and assessment process of children ages 10-19. 
  2. Analyze the effect that biopsychosocial influences have on gender identity development in adolescence.
  3. Analyze and assess adolescents’ development using proven psychological assessment techniques.
  4. Describe experiences linked to adolescents’ ages and individual strengths, interests, and needs that support learning and development in multiple environments.
  5. Compare and contrast the major theories of physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development for children ages 10-19.
  6. Discuss the impact that parenting styles, family structures, and culture have on adolescent growth.
  7. Identify the effect that schools, government programs, and community intervention programs have on physical, cognitive, and socioemotional progress of adolescent growth.
  8. Identify the cultural influences, attitudes, and trends that help define adolescent sexuality. 
  9. Understand the bidirectional relationship that exists between the onset of puberty and socioemotional processes. 
  10. Comprehend the basic skills that adolescents need for successful transition into adulthood. 


Course Objectives

Unit I: Introduction; Biological and Cognitive Processes

  1. The students will understand the historical views of adolescence.
  2. Identify the biological determinants of puberty.
  3. Compare and contrast Piaget’s Cognitive Theory with Vygotsky’s Social Constructivist approach.
  4. Understand how evolution, heredity, and environment effect adolescent development.
  5. Comprehend social cognition and how it effects adolescent perspective.

Unit II: Identity, Gender, and Sexuality

  1. Realize the adolescent’s changing view of the self-concept and how that effects self-esteem.
  2. Identify and analyze Erikson’s views on adolescent development.
  3. Understand the biological, social, and cognitive influences on gender.
  4. Discuss adolescent attitudes towards sexuality.
  5. Explain sexual health issues and the importance of sex education.

Unit III: Moral Development, Families, and Peers

  1. Discuss the socializing agents that effect moral development.
  2. Discuss the socializing agents that effect religious values and spirituality.
  3. Understand reciprocal socialization and the family as a system.
  4. Realize the changing nature of adolescent-parent relationships as adulthood emerges.
  5. Explain how the concept of family is changing in modern society.
  6. Compare and contrast peer relationships in adolescent and childhood.
  7. Understand the functions of dating and the emotions surrounding this dynamic.

Unit IV: Schools, Work, and Culture

  1. Analyze contemporary approaches to student learning.
  2. Explain the issues surrounding transitions from middle school to high school.
  3. Identify the changing social developmental contexts in schools.
  4. Understand how achievement and work effect cognitive and identity development.
  5. Realize the importance of culture in the study of adolescence.
  6. Discuss how socioeconomic status and ethnicity effect development.
  7. Analyze how the media and technology influence adolescent culture.

Unit V: Problems in Adolescence

  1. Apply the biopsychosocial approach to emerging adult problems.
  2. Understand major issues in adolescence especially drug use and juvenile delinquency.
  3. Discuss psychological disorders such as depression, suicide, and eating disorders.
  4. Explain the role of prevention/intervention programs in dealing with adolescent issues.

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