CIS 332 - DataBases Last Date of Approval: Spring 2021
3 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 30 Total Lab Hours: 30 Total Clinical Hours: 0 Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0
Course Description: This course is an introduction to SQL as a database programming language to those already familiar with basic relational database concepts. Students will write executable SQL statements to create and maintain database objects. This course will help students to prepare for a career in computer programming and information services. The course will require to persevere through challenging problems and manage time to meet deadlines which are both important to everyday life.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: None
Mode(s) of Instruction: Traditional/face-to-face, virtual
Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.
Course Fees: None
Common Course Assessment(s): None
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives: Student Learning Outcomes:
Outcome 1: Define database terms and list the functions of a database management system.
Outcome 2: Document relational database design by using Entity Relationship Diagrams.
Outcome 3: Understand normalization and its effect on data and basic SQL commands.
Outcome 4: Demonstrate how to design, implement, and modify a relational database.
Course Objectives:
Outcome 1: Define database terms and list the functions of a database management system.
Task 1: Given a database term, give the definition of the term.
Task 2: Given a definition or description, identify the correct database term.
Task 3: Given a database function, explain what the database function does.
Task 4: Given a scenario, select the proper database function.
Outcome 2: Document relational database design by using Entity Relationship Diagrams.
Task 1: Identify and explain the parts of an Entity Relationship Diagram.
Task 2: Document a relational database using an Entity Relationship Diagram.
Outcome 3: Understand normalization and its effect on data and basic SQL commands.
Task 1: Define normalization in relational databases.
Task 2: Identify the effects of normalization on data.
Task 3: Identify the effects of normalization on basic SQL commands.
Outcome 4: Demonstrate how to design, implement, and modify a relational database.
Task 1: Design an efficient relational database.
Task 2: Justify the design of a relational database.
Task 3: When designing the relational database, make appropriate choices and justify those choices for entity vs. attribute, entity vs. relationship, binary vs. ternary relationships, and aggregation vs. ternary relationships.
Task 4: Create and modify relations using SQL.
Task 5: Specify constraints in SQL.
Task 6: Create and implement queries in SQL.
Task 7: Create and implement nested queries in SQL.
Task 8: Use ODBC and JDBC to work with relational databases.
Task 9: Create and use internet applications to work with relational databases.
Task 10: Identify the different types of file indexing.
Task 11: Implement the appropriate indexing when creating a relational database file.
Task 12: Use query evaluation, and external sorting when modifying relational databases.
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