Feb 06, 2025  
2022-2023 General Catalog 
2022-2023 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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CIS 129 - Swift Programming Fundamentals I

Last Date of Approval: Spring 2020

4 Credits
Total Lecture Hours: 45
Total Lab Hours: 30
Total Clinical Hours: 0
Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0

Course Description:
Swift Programming Fundamentals I is designed to help the student build a solid foundation in programming fundamentals using Swift as the programming language.  Students will get practical experience with the tools, techniques, and concepts needed to build a basic iOS application from scratch.  Students will also learn the principles of user interface design which is essential to programming and making apps for the iOS App Store.

This course will help students to prepare for a career in computer programming and information services.  The course will require to persevere through challenging problems and manage time to meet deadlines which are both important to everyday life.

Prerequisites/Corequisites: None

Mode(s) of Instruction: Traditional/face-to-face

Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.

Course Fees: None

Common Course Assessment(s): None

Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
Outcome 1:  Students will create reusable code using descriptive identifiers.

Task 1:  Students will be able to identify what is and what is not a valid identifier.
Task 2:  Students will use Camel Case when naming variables.
Task 3:  Students will use identifier names that describe what is being stored in the identifier.
Task 4:  Students will create functions using descriptive names.

Outcome 2:  Students will use variables and constants to store strings, characters, integers, and decimals.

Task 1:  Students will be able to choose the appropriate variable and constant type based on the given data.
Task 2:  Students will be able to explain when it is appropriate to use a constant and when it is appropriate to use a variable.

Outcome 3:  Students will customize use the tools of XCode to create and debug applications. 

Task 1:  Students will use XCode to create a new project by choosing the appropriate application type.
Task 2:  Students will choose the type of device their XCode project will be deployed on.
Task 3:  Students will choose the appropriate simulator device when testing their application.
Task 4:  Students will use the Interface Builder tools to create the User Interface for their application.

Outcome 4:  Students will define functions to create reusable groups of code.

Task 1:  Students will be able to identify the template for a function.
Task 2:  Students will write functions so that the code can be copied from one application to another for use.
Task 3:  Students will write functions that receive data.
Task 4:  Students will write functions that return data.
Task 5:  Students will write functions that do not receive data.
Task 6:  Students will write functions that do not return data.

Outcome 5:  Students will create custom types.

Task 1:  Students will create their own custom types using enumeration.
Task 2:  Students will be able to identify what the value for each item in their custom type is.

Outcome 6:  Students will use control structures to make decisions.

Task 1:  Students will be able to create if statements.
Task 2:  Students will be able to create if-else statements.
Task 3:  Students will be able to create nested if statements.

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