Program Requirement: Must pass all core program courses with the prefix CAD, EGT, MAT with a “C” or better for the semester prior to the one in which they are currently enrolling with a “C” or better. Any exception will have to be approved in writing by the Program Coordinator or Division Dean.
Graduation Requirement: Must pass all core program courses with the prefix CAD, EGT, MAT with a “C” or better.
Because of changes in technology, students taking programs over an extended period of time may be advised to retake courses to update skills and competencies.
Footnotes for Degree Requirements:
1 Required general education course.
2 Required elective course.
3 Institutional requirement.
4 May be substituted with a course from the same category on the General Education Course List .
Non-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of Iowa Central Community College not to discriminate in its programs, activities, or employment on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, creed, religion, and actual or potential family, parental, or marital status.
If you have questions or complaints related to compliance with this policy, please contact Stacy Ihrig, Executive Director of Human Resources, One Triton Circle, Fort Dodge, Iowa, 50501, Telephone: (515)-574-1138, Email:, or the Director of the Office for Civil Rights U.S. Department of Education, John C. Kluczynski Federal Building, 230 S. Dearborn Street, 37th Floor, Chicago, IL 60604-7204, Telephone: (312) 730-1560, Facsimile: (313) 730-1576, TDD 800-877-8339 Email: