Dec 22, 2024
CLS 170 - Russian History and Culture 3 credits This course is an introduction to the history and culture of Russia, from the earliest times to the present, with an emphasis on the modern era. Major themes include the historical development of Russian civilization, the rise and fall of Tsarist rule, Russian imperialism, the evolution of Russia’s social structure, social movements and revolutions, Marxism-Leninism and the rise of the Soviet Union, the First and Second World Wars, Stalinism, the Cold War, and the fall of communism in the Soviet Union and other former Warsaw Pact states of Eastern Europe. Other topics include Russia’s geography and natural resources; philosophy and religion; literature and other fine arts; economic development and commerce; politics and foreign relations; science and technology; media and popular culture; and gender, ethnicity, and cultural identity. Knowledge of diverse cultures and an understanding of global interconnectedness are important skills for achieving success in many occupations and professions; thereby directly contributing to a higher quality of life.
Fees None
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