Dec 06, 2024  
2021-2022 General Catalog 
2021-2022 General Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ENG 105 - Composition I

3 credits
This course focuses on the process of writing expressive and informative prose, incorporating oral, visual, and electronic modes. It introduces research skills and critical thinking skills and reinforces critical reading skills. This course helps students build confidence in their communication skills while also enabling them to think critically, consider the viewpoints of others, and effectively express themselves, all of which will benefit them in the classroom, in life, and in the workforce. 

ENG 067 - Composition I Laboratory  required with grade of C or better in ENG 025 - Basic Writing  or placement based on test score; Mandatory Placement Levels for ENG 105 + ENG 067 co-requisite: ACCUPLACER (WritePlacer): 3-4; ACT 14-17; SAT 20-23.

Grade of C or better in ENG 101 - Elements of Writing  or placement based on test score; Mandatory Placement Levels for ENG 105: ACCUPLACER (WritePlacer): 5+; ACT 18+; SAT 24+.


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