PHY 222 - Classical Physics II Last Date of Approval: fall 2021
5 Credits Total Lecture Hours: 45 Total Lab Hours: 60 Total Clinical Hours: 0 Total Work-Based Experience Hours: 0
Course Description: This course is a continuation of PHY 212 - Classical Physics I . Topics covered include oscillations and waves; electric forces and fields; direct and alternating currents; magnetic forces and fields; ray optics and image formation; and atomic structure. This course will help students refine their critical thinking skills as they evaluate various topics and concepts while searching for underlying connections between the concepts, which is a skill that should be beneficial in any/all types of careers. This course will also help students gain scientific literacy which will be of vital significance when making important life decisions.
Prerequisites: PHY 212 - Classical Physics I with a C grade or better Mode(s) of Instruction: face-to-face
Credit for Prior Learning: There are no Credit for Prior Learning opportunities for this course.
Course Fees: None
Common Course Assessment(s): None
Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives:
- Create a graphical organizer to describe a physical situation such as a force diagram or energy diagram. Then use the graphical organizer to generate a set of equations describing the physical situation.
- Evaluate a physical situation in terms of applicable conservation laws with specific reference to an appropriate graphical organizer and/or set of equations describing the situation.
- Design a laboratory procedure to examine and assess data within the context of an accepted physical model.
Course Objectives
Outcome 1: Use the concepts related to oscillations and simple harmonic motion.
Task 1: Write and apply formulas for the determination of displacement x, velocity v, and acceleration a in terms of time, frequency, and amplitude.
Task 2: Provided a graph or verbal description of simple harmonic motion, determine the frequency, period and amplitude.
Task 3: Compute the frequency or period in simple harmonic motion when the position and acceleration are given.
Task 4: Write and apply a relationship between the frequency of motion and the mass of a vibrating object when the spring constant is known.
Task 5: Describe the motion of a simple pendulum and calculate the length required to produce a given frequency.
Outcome 2: Use the concepts of electric charge, interaction of charge, electric field, and relationship of charge and force.
Task 1: Use Coulomb’s law to solve problems involving force between two or more charges of like or different sign.
Task 2: Define an electric field and calculate the field of a point charge, an electric dipole, a line of charge, and a continuous charge distribution.
Outcome 3: Use the concept of electric flux and its relationship to Gauss’ Law.
Task 1: Use electric field lines and electric flux to describe the magnitude and direction of the electric field in a small region of space.
Task 2: Define Gauss’ Law and use it to calculate the electric fields that result from highly symmetric distributions of electric charge (near the surface of a charged conductor, near a line of charge, near a sheet of charge, and inside and outside a spherical shell).
Outcome 4: Use concepts of electrical potential and its relationship to electric field.
Task 1: Use electric field lines and electric flux to describe the magnitude and direction of the electric field in a small region in space.
Task 2: Determine electric field lines from equipotential surfaces and vice versa.
Task 3: Calculate electric potential due to a point charge or a group of point charges; due to an electric dipole; and due to a continuous charge distribution.
Task 4: Map equipotentials in a plane resulting from two point charges and two line electrodes.
Outcome 5: Use current electricity concepts within direct current circuits.
Task 1: Use symbols to draw circuit diagrams and wire simple circuits.
Task 2: Define current, voltage and resistance and apply the relationship between them for a resistance with negligible temperature dependence (Ohm’s Law).
Task 3: Calculate current, voltage, resistance, and capacitance within series and parallel circuits.
Task 4: Use Kirchhoff’s laws to solve problems involving multi loop circuits.
Task 5: Define capacitance and calculate the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor, a cylindrical capacitor and a spherical capacitor.
Task 6: Solve problems involving RC circuits.
Outcome 6: Use the concepts of magnetic fields and the sources of magnetic fields.
Task 1: Use a galvanometer to construct an ammeter and a voltmeter by adding appropriate resistors to the circuit.
Task 2: Use forces on an electron moving in a magnetic field to measure the ratio of its charge to its mass, e/m.
Task 3: Calculate the magnetic force on a current carrying wire and between two parallel conductors.
Task 4: Calculate the magnetic field of a solenoid and a toroid and due to a long straight wire.
Task 5: Solve problems involving torque on a current loop and magnetic dipole.
Outcome 7: Use concepts of magnetic induction and AC circuits.
Task 1: Interpret the meaning of Lenz’s Law and energy conservation.
Task 2: Calculate the inductance of a solenoid and a toroid.
Task 3: Calculate the potential difference, current and the inductive time constant for RL circuits.
Task 4: Calculate the energy stored and energy density of a magnetic field.
Task 5: Calculate inductive reactance in an RL circuit.
Task 6: Calculate capacitive reactance in an RC circuit.
Task 7: Interpret the meaning of “ELI the ICE man.”
Task 8: Solve for phase constant, power factor, and power in AC circuits.
Task 9: Calculate input and output currents and voltages in transformer circuits.
Outcome 8: Use concepts of electromagnetic waves.
Task 1: Compare the difference in the various frequencies and wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Task 2: Solve problems involving the equation E/B = C.
Task 3: Compare polarized light with non-polarized light.
Task 4: Calculate intensities in polarized light equations.
Outcome 9: Use concepts of geometrical optics.
Task 1: Compare reflection and refraction and solve problems using the laws of reflection and refraction.
Task 2: Solve for the index of refraction using Snell’s Law.
Task 3: Compare reflection in plane, concave and convex mirrors.
Task 4: Calculate object and image distance and magnification in all mirror types.
Task 5: Compare image formation in convex and concave lenses.
Task 6: Solve problems dealing with image and object formation and magnification in thin lenses.
Task 7: Solve problems using the lens maker’s equation.
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